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Posts posted by ryangreen1

  1. I'm a fairly new player on this server, but I like to think I'm a somewhat capable pilot.  Sadly capable pilots seem to be the exception on these servers unless zeus is going on and an admin is actively kicking bad pilots.  I think if there is someone to enforce these rules, the changes would be great.  

    The only problems I see are:


    1: Teamkillers:  I was piloting for a zeus mission by John the other day and was evacing hostages in a huron in a base on top of a hill.  The hostages were loaded and i was waiting for one other player to board the almost completely filled huron.  Out of nowhere a uav flew in and annahilated my heli, which means under these rules I would have to wait quite a while for another huron to spawn.  Also, the other day there were people shooting helis taking off with slammers over and over, and it took 10-15 minutes to find an admin to kick.


    2: Repairing:  I've rarely been able to find repair specialists who actually do their job, and usually by the time they do get to my downed chopper, all the fuel is leaked out and the other vortex pilots arent on TS or responding in chat to lift a fuel truck or fuel bladder.  Repairing isnt as big of a problem as fuel, but I like the idea of pilots having a 1 shot toolkit to at least fix the heli enough to make it to base, and the idea to get rid of fuel leak/have jerry cans.  I don't mind the downtime of waiting for repair if there are other competent pilots and repair specialists to help me out, but people rarely take repair spec and if they do its because its the last spot left and dont do their role.


    3.  Enemy AA jets/kajmans are rarely downed in a timely manner due to having no AA pilot, the long respawn time on the friendly AA jet, or there just being too many of them around.  This could possibly be solved by making one of the vortex pilots only able to fly the AA jet, ensuring someone who is competent in it would be able to fly it.


    I think that one rule that should be flexible is the blowing of choppers.  If for some reason you are downed at an LZ that is too hot for repairs or enemys are advancing on it like the zeus mission from last night, it should be acceptable to blow the chopper.  Maybe require permission from zeus/admins online beforehand though.

    I also really like Harold's idea of a distinguished pilot badge, and possibly 1-2 reserved vortex spots for those pilots just to be sure there are some competent pilots online.  

    Overall, these look like great rules if they are enforced and a few slight changes are made.

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