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Posts posted by drees_000

  1. Dear Admins and Devs of EU3,

    Today I got back on EU3 for the first time in months. I used to be a regular and would play most days. Of course I had to update the mods and such, and to my surprise I noticed there was a new radio addon. I went in with an open mind because I figured that there was a good reason for adding in ACRE over TFAR. Boy was I wrong. I can see no logical reasoning why they would get rid of TFAR. Sure ACRE sounds like a good idea in theory, but it is truly a disgrace and an abomination. It is full of bugs. Many people I have talked to also agree with me that we should go back to TFAR.

    I know the DEVs will be upset with this post and probably respond "We are staying with ACRE". But why should this be up to the devs? Ultimately the players should decide. So I have created this straw poll, and I would encourage everyone to vote with their honest opinion. At the end of the day if the majority want ACRE, then we should keep it. But if the majority want TFAR then we need to revert. I encourage the Admins and devs to also spread the straw poll, assuming they care what the players think.


    Here is the straw poll link : http://strawpoll.me/6764505


    Thanks for reading this and I hope we can fix the mess that EU3 currently is.


    <iframe src="http://strawpoll.me/embed_1/6764505/r" style="width: 600px; height: 390px; border: 0;">Loading poll...</iframe>

  2. Ingame Name*: drees_000

    Why do you think you were banned?: I was playing on EU 1, flying a Ghost Hawk hovering in base and my gunner was team killing. Before I had the chance to lock the turrets, he had already killed multiple people, and I was banned for it. (This happened a few months ago, but because of personal reasons I have never got around to posting here)

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: I was not doing anything wrong, and got banned because of a bad gunner.

    Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Because of how long ago this happened I cannot remember.

    When were you banned?*: As I said this happened many months ago and I cannot be certain, but I am pretty sure it was in the fall sometime.

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