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Posts posted by aalp234_Game

  1. Thanks Raz. I can't attend the town hall meeting, hopefully important things get resolved and ideas get thrown around for thought.


    You might want to find someone to express your ideas at the meeting/post them here, as the point is to incite discussion there and get ideas across at that time :)


    Edit: Added in Ryko's point from below.

  2. " [EU3 is] a serious gaming environment for both the hardcore players and softcore players looking to get into the most realistic part of Arma3."


    The thing that I'm most afraid of happening is the EU3 atmosphere changing into one of full milsim, from the current semi-milsim atmosphere that is present. Sure, Milsim atmospheres are the most realistic possible, but they are usually cold and aggressive. Having been part of 2 Milsim companies in Arma 2 and having played for a year and (almost) a half on EU3, it would pain me greatly to have this cold attitude between people set in. I don't have the answer on how to get rid of excessive jokes, and think that this is something that we definitely need to discuss during the meeting.


    "around 4, maybe 5 or more players, in both of the gamenights I've played, who will talk about waffles and bananas and STD's and weird sexual things that should be left at the EU3 server lobby"


    Could you please elaborate who these people are? If they really are talking about things like this, I'm sure the Mods would like to have a talk with them.

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