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Posts posted by SQiRL

  1. Totally sorry about that.  I saw the topic was pinned so i thought this was still relevant. :(


    Back to digging around :)


    Was just re-examining the current download again,  and dont see where the HC is setup.   I had been working on this version already but never saw the code in the init.sqf which is why i was wondering if its currently in use.  (not sure where the param option would be to enable it.  the other config params in the description.ext i see,  but not a hc.)


    Was this configured in a different file?


    edit - ok a bit of an idiot here... Every example kept pointing to putting this info in the init.   i just noticed you have an actual headless.sqf.  in a different folder.  should i assume this is where its coded and move on? lol


    Also, is there a way to confirm its doing its job?  one of the videos showed tons of popup info in the upper right when the client was taking over something.  should i see this when logged in as admin as well?

  2. ok,  I "Think" I got the headless client set up using the code that you posted as to what yall use and its running on a second computer.


    HC is connected and what not,  but it doesnt seem to be actually doing anything.  The server performance looks great right now...getting 48 fps server side when using monitor 10


    Is there a way to confirm the HC is actually controlling anything?  The cpu usage on the HC Client is only 4-5% but we are seeing just normal troop warping around like the server is under heavy lag or something.

  3. Just wanted to inquire about this process.


    Do yall currently run a Headless client for I&A Servers?  I am curious about how to set this up for my own server that is being hosted but wanted to run the headless client from a machine at my house.  


    Getting a little confused about the whole process in general.  Still reading over some guides but just wanted to see if yall were utilizing it currently and if you had any insight as to how it should be ran with a hosted server but a local client.



    SO in regards to your line above ----



    if (isServer) then {
    if (isNil "HeadlessVariable") then {
    hint "works";
    _enemiesArray = [currentAO] call QS_fnc_AOenemy;
    You have the headless client unit on the map,  and its named HC... But im also a little confused by this line...
       if (isNil "HeadlessVariable")
    Would this need to read -    if (isNil "HC")   - or dies it not matter what the headless client unit is named in the editor/map?
    In the current init.sqf,  do you simply just add this at the bottom? Considering i dont see this code in your current version of the init.sqf file,  im just wondering if this was placed elsewhere instead.




  4. Have you already watched/read tutorials on the Arma 3 Mission Editor?


    From what it sounds like, most of what you are wanting to know can be answered with the basics.


    Short of that.  You are going to need to de-pbo the file and put the mission into the proper arma 3 mission folder so you can bring it up in the editor.

  5. Would appreciate it :) 


    On a alternative note,  Ive not looked into the possibility of this yet, but do you think it would be possible to add a Pilot that only certain people could log into if the whitelist turns out to not work?


    This way i could create a new squad specifically for a few friends with specific roles they like to play.


    Thanks Again


  6. New Forum User,  Mission Creator/Editor in Training (well if you call looking at tons of examples training...)

    Appreciate the work yall have done with this.  I love this format and am wanting to do a personalized version with some minor changes


    I was digging thru the files trying to learn more about how the I&A is setup an found the pilot whitelisting section.

    Is it my understanding that this is simply the players profile id correct?  If so, then manually adding my own id ["PID"];  should work right?

    I removed all of the Ahoyworlds folks out and mirrored the format with my own id and tested it and it kicked me back out with the... get lost scrub message.


    Is there another validation script thats in play here for this?  Or something else i didnt consider about the script itself?



    Also, i see there is a base defense script in the package but its been my experience after leaving the mission running for a bit that the enemy jets eventually find they way over to the base and just keep wrecking it.  I see the Base defense area on the map and the scripts in play but have never seen the jets be addressed by this script.  Is it possible that its currently not working?  In the interim, ive placed some AA statics around to help deal with it for now,  but I was constantly finding the pilot spawn hangar destroyed and all of the helo's wrecked enough to not fly without repair. 







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