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Posts posted by GavC

  1. If i was adding OPFOR i'd keep em small and low-ish tech, maybe 3-5 insurgents/enemy per 30-50 players. 


    My reasoning behind this is that when we play versus the usual AI they are predictable and fairly useless. Provided a squad is cautious they should nearly always prevail without any surprises or ambushes from the enemy. If you add in even a tiny unit of human intelligence (albeit the questionable intelligence harvested from teh internet) then it'll spice up teh mission no end. Squads will not only have to keep their shit together, they'll have to plan contingencies etc etc.


    Obviously lots of edits would be needed to keep the OPFOR units properly engaged and not just sitting on a hill 1500m away with their LRR's. To this end i would suggest unguided AT only, and no sniper rifles or Long range scopes. IMO i'd allow full range of explosives, both AP and AT. It might give BLUEFOR engineers something to do :)


    In one of my old clans we had an A2 insurgency server. It ran similar to this and i've seen the whole army of maybe 20 people with choppers and IFV's being held off by just a few human insurgents combined with the usual AI. In fact it was so difficult that most players whinged and wanted it turn off. So the balance must be perfected. 


    Of course most of the time that the insurgents won was because BLUEFOR was uncoordinated, lacked the proper materiel and generally took NO risk.


    just my 2 cents



  2. i've only been playing a few weeks on and off (on your servers), but i'd be in agreement on the 2 littlebirds plan. Flares or not, doesnt matter. I'd go as far as to say remove the ghosthawks and include 2 transport littlebirds and 1 combat one with a working co-pilots seat.


    Reasoning as follows


    1, Mobility, quick deployment and redeployment of squads.

    2, no dicking about with mounted guns at base

    3, no fat slow silly mohawks that only have 4 soldiers in 'em

    4, pilots must be skilled (sort off anyway), no flares means hugging the mountains and keeping low and out of AAA range/view

    5, 4 active choppers is 1 too many. Look at the unit distribution around the map, and you'll see there is nearly always 1 helo just knobbin' about at base.


  3. Hiya, Been playing the odd bit of Arma3 with you folks over the last few days, just thought i'd sign up for an account as i'm kinda clanless at the moment (despite my characters' tags)


    hope to see you all in-game soon


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