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Posts posted by lawndartleo

  1. Rats....


    The thing I like about getting missions from the source is that they are fairly vanilla.  From the wild, they tend to have lots of scripts implemented that we are not necessarily interested in.


    Got any suggested server(s)?

  2. Thanks Jester...


    Is there a more appropriate thread to discuss some of the inner workings of the mission, specifically...


    1) Pilot check never works.

    2) The marker script firing on a few of the Hunters... specifically the lack of a marker.

    3) The internal mortar script... "mortarman" doesnt seem to have... um.... access to mortars.

  3. Hi Jester,


    I believe I have it figured out.  Just parsing through the init.sqf has exposed all the scripts called and I can disable them as I see fit.


    One remaining question.... group management.  In order to use our preferred script, I believe all I have to do is comment out


    0 = [] execVM 'group_manager.sqf';

    Is that correct?

  4. Before I go ticking people off, I first want to say THANK YOU! for such a great mission.  Invade & Annex is one of those creations that makes ArmA III worth playing and I as well as countless other players are indebted to the author.  Jack Williams and team.... hats off to you!


    One of the great things about ArmA and these missions is the ability to tweak away at your heats content.  I have done so on our server ( and given very obvious and up front props to Ahoyworld and Jack for his efforts.  With that said, I'd like to ask if there is a stripped version that simply has the conflict engine in it and not all the rest.  We all have our preferences for what to use for medical, respawn, logistics and such.  I have successfully integrated the scripts for these features that my clan prefers but I am sure it leaves us with a lot of unused overhead.  So, that left me wondering... is it possible to get a bare bones conflict only mission?  Maybe because I have put in our preferences and disabled the defaults it's not even an issue.


    This in not in any way disrespectful to the author and his selections.  Thanks and apologies in advance if I have ruffled any feathers.  That is not my intent.


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