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Posts posted by YeTiBr0

  1. Okay so I fiddled and meddled until it seemed to work. I'm still not sure whether I did it correctly, efficiently or completely that's up to you guys to figure out, but I have made the key changes I mentioned above to get the HC and scenarios working. You can download that update here (45+1HC players): 




    I did not transfer ownership of any units between server/HC and just included scenarios HC on/off based on a parameter (default on for the purposes of testing). I also didn't change all the objects to be global, because I simply don't understand that yet. Neither seemed to be an issue in my testing.


    I'm trying to organise a FPS testing session amongst my friends but its not really something they're interested in doing on their time off so may be better if you guys tested it since you also know the mission a lot better. All the server and HC side execution is detailed in the readme I included.


    Let me know if you get better client/server side performance with HC on and connected!




    - Framerate monitor for HC http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21436

    19/4/2014 - Updated pbo to include different playermarkers for the medic (green) and repair men (orange) vs everyone else (blue).

  2. Hello!

    I am back and bearing fairly mediocre presents. http://speedy.sh/9PnQ7/co45-AW-Invade-Annex-2-70e-YB.Altis.pbo

    The pbo is just supposed to be a demo/testingarea for the issues I raised and how to integrate HC in I&A. A changelog and a readme on the Headless Client is provided so use cpbo to extract. If you like some of it, hopefully you will pull out elements and integrate into what you're working on in your own way.


    I had to edit the stringtable file and added another project for the airdrop script.

    I honestly don't know anything about scripting and the intricacies of how I&A spawns markers, triggers and units so that part of the HC in init.sqf I left alone. I'm used to DAC/UPSMON and calling a spawn script. I've included some detail on that below and I hope you can make sense and use of it.

    If someone needs 1 more to test the working headless client set just let me know otherwise you're welcome to do as you wish with this. I am pretty sure its going to push 60fps comfortably with the HC and allow for greater numbers of enemy and missions at one time if it can be made to work!


    From the research I've done on the topic it seems upwards of 500 AI can be handled pretty easily and improve the AI performance. I also suspect vehicles tend to grind CPU harder, so the HC benefit would be doubly good due to the high numbers of AI vehicles in I&A.


    Was an interesting learning experience all in all and I have new respect for the guys who write this code. There are a couple servers out there running Arma 3 HCs at the moment and their performance is pretty damn good considering what they're doing, I'm sure they can help too. 


    I also know another South African guy who is involved in hosting the ZuluAlpha unit server and they use HC for MCC so he can chip in as well.


    If it comes down to money to buy a second copy of ARMA 3 for the HC, I would be willing to supply that if AW committed to running a HC. Although it's preferable to have a second server do the HC role, you could have it running off someone's old PC or even multiboxed on the server if you can get that to work.


    Bad FPS with Arma AI is a problem, but there are some options in COOP. I'll keep fiddling around on my end trying to figure it out, but I think you guys will know pretty much what to do. I'm sneaking in this old post on HC for those who want to do some reading: http://www.7thcavalry.us/topic/97488-headless-client-for-invade-annex-to-offload-ai/

    Here's hoping,

    -- 18/4/2014: I changed the upload link as I reverted to an older medicmarkers.sqf just to get it working again. I've done the basics for the HC, but there's still work to do. The key issues to get HC working are changing the if(isServer) parts throughout code to be executed and introducing scenarios to either spawn bits on the HC or on the server depending on the parameter (example bottom of init.sqf). Finally all related variables for objects (trig, mark, unit) to spawned on HC should be made global to avoid any problems. If you want to transfer ownership after server side spawn, there's more info on that in the readme but it tends to cause issues.

    • the readme contains all the server/HC execution stuff
    • if(isServer) statements to if(isServer || (name player == HCName))
    • The next bit below - I think its best to just duplicate the code in each scenario so whether its on or off everything spawns one way or another.
    if (HCPresent) then {
    if (!hasInterface && !isServer) then {
    } else {
    if (isServer) then {

    You can see a successful HC in Arma 3 COOP similar to I&A here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23094

    Apparently how to multibox the HC: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149412-Arma-3-Headless-Client

  3. Sweet thanks for the replies guys its nice to get an insight into your thinking. I'll neaten up my editing and send over the pbo to you with a little changelog in briefing. Give me a couple days this stuff is still pretty greek to me! One thing I forgot to ask is whether there has been any test with a headless client for the AI? I don't really know whats dragging the FPS down so much, but I suspect these buggers are to blame.


    -- Yep, the Missions/AI are to blame. When I disabled the entire mission spawning component and no AI spawned, the server ran around 60fps. Obviously more players will worsen this but I think it's significantly better than current and could be near to reality with a HC.

  4. Hello! 


    I've been playing on your EU 1 Altis server a lot lately with my friends and we love the experience. I played I&A a while back and it has come a long way with all the cool side missions and other improvements. However, there are a few things that were not changed and I was a bit puzzled as to why. So thanks for reading my random suggestions and if you had the time to respond to my questions thank you for that too.


    1. Classes: why are autoriflemen, explosives experts and marksmen related weapons/items not restricted to their class? I see medics with LMGs, AT guys with ABRs (or LMGs) and just about anyone with tons of explosives. I think if addressed these restrictions would encourage more RP behaviour and get people to really get into their role in the squad and avoid going rambo loadout every time and doing everything themselves. E.G. limit explosive charges to 1 for non-EOD team.


    >> Also pilots still don't get score for their hard work. I think giving them a fraction of a point per player transported would be a good solution. Oh and on the chopper topic, restrict deploying/cutting ropes to pilots - anyone can cut and kill troops on the way down, bad.  <<


    2. Medics: why do medics still need a yellow first aid kit and a black medic kit to perform a revive? I found myself in a mass casualty incident the other day and even though I had 10 yellow kits, it wasnt long before I couldn't revive anyone and could only heal the living. Is this intended to limit reviving? Also more distance on medic markers and better map markers for revives would help new medics. People pretty much have to call them over unless they're really exceptional medics.


    3. EU2 Server: I very much want to see other mods involved in I&A but I must admit I don't know much technical about them. I support the call for the US/Spetsnaz weapons mod and others - so much to offer! However, the main issue for me is that I&A runs at 30 frames or less. Given the choice, I would give up the alternative mods etc and close the second server for a better primary to run at 60 frames.


    >> In my humble opinion, this is the main issue driving new players away and I believe limiting the mode's growth. My new friends were happy and excited even to download and install the mods, but when they starting watching a slideshow on a full server it just killed their experience. <<


    4. I still don't fully understand the FOB system. Is it currently working? Sometimes I just see an FOB marker and an ammo truck is there. Either this is just player activity and the idea isn't implemented yet or I'm just too dumb to figure it out. Without a way to reliably teleport (or paradrop) to an FOB it leaves players stuck at base bored waiting for action and new players hate that.


    >> Getting FOBs to happen more regularly at the main AO would be great and even better if you could teleport from base to it. You wouldn't need to RTB after the main AO and could hit a side or the next quickly. Players could then go to an LZ for their intended travel <<


    5. CAS. Yes its a touchy topic. I think there's too much of it, not so much that it needs a massive nerf in I&A but just perhaps some better control. Maybe just reduce the likelyhood of it being a reward and/or limit it to people with a certain score or something. People just log on, hop on into a Kajman someone else just earned, get 200 kills and a couple vehicles and that's it for everyone else's game. Pitching to an empty AO or finished off side regularly sucks.


    >> Some CAS pilots are great and actually standby for targets, while others don't seem to care too much and take downtime as an opportunity to kill off a side mission and spawn another Kajman for their respawn or buddies. It's a bit too available is all I'm saying and ends up a bit abused for too long. <<


    Finally, I mentioned in another post but I think paradropping would be great and worth a try. Think of the repair specialist deliveries! Just attach the add action to a box and let people have fun with it and figure out that its more of a tool for special/recon drops far away from the AO and catching up to friends at an old AO than trying to go all delta force and dropping in the centre of town and into swift death.


    Thanks for all your hard work and the great community! If you made a kickstarter for a new server to run the game better and keep a second server for more mods I'm sure the money could be raised through an event/livesteam/ingame ad! Onwards and upwards!

  5. I realise this is reviving a dead thread but I think this script has a lot to offer. I spent some time trying to putting it into I&A and I thought it was simplest to attach the addaction to a cargo box that was only available at the main base. You could then spawn in, grab your gear and immediately deploy wherever to catch up. Really great for low/full server populations and when AO's are just so far away the logistics gets stretched.


    Of course this will impact the helicopter gameplay but I feel that they will not lose their role entirely. Instead of constantly ferrying new people to the AO as they join or spawn, the choppers can focus on moving vehicles and making timely evacs for everyone. Moreover, some insertions will still be made by chopper as players will realise you can't simply paradrop directly into the AO or very close to it. Instead, to get in undetected (and alive) you need to drop in far away or as group with a helo.


    The script features an auto-open chute function which will ensure no one dies unnecessarily while parachuting and it will only take one drop for people to learn that it's just a mobility tool, not the preferred insertion method. There of course issues with the script, like you die if you collide with a building or vehicle, but I think these are tolerable. You can also die very easily if you come in too fast for a landing. So if implemented, it would need a briefing note to make people aware.


    I know the pilots do a thankless and amazing job, but I don't think this script would be the death of their experience. It would lighten their load somewhat and give players a way to quickly re-deploy if they had to change slot, died or just wanted to get that epic sniper spot no chopper will take them to. I would love to see this implemented at least for testing. It could always be removed if it proved damaging?

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