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Posts posted by thetryder

  1. Got some suggestions for transport helicpoters and an nice information display mod reviewed in this 2 vids. The mods will in my opinion add another touch of realism to the modpack especially the flight information display.

    In flight information display:

    The helicopters:

  2. The whole artillery support concept is in my opinion really good and if csat use it on us we should be able to use it back. As long as it can be controlled so players don't abuse the artillery firing. As arkantes said the artilleries can maybe at some point be scripted so it cannot fire unless called in. I do not know if its possible but it would be great.

  3. Seems like a great mod. BI is not developing that many water crafts unfortunately and it sure would be nice to have it to a game night mission ( in my opinion )

    I have personally been on a similar ship IRL and I really do miss water->land in arma since it would really make a more realistic way of multiple fronts and also new

    firesupports. Great idea 

  4. Air superiority would be a great way to train dogfighting.

    Blufor/opfor PVP both sides with Buzzard[CAS] or any other plane respawning west/east of altis.

    I could probably work on a mission file for this if there is a interest here in the community.

    Personally It would be even cooler to have two USAF nimitz carrier ships for both sides but as stuffedsheep mentioned it is better to keep it "vanilla".

    I appreciate if it might be possible to have nimitz all through  :P

  5. Is the mission gonna be based on capture the flag (the device)?

    Are you making it in purpose for a game night and if so how many players will there be per team? 

    Nice to know a "pvp" mission is under dev, I'm exited to test it out as soon as its released  B)

  6. Im in.

    My in game name is "Robin" and I´m mostly on during the weekends from 10:00 GMT -> LATE

    Flying mostly transport flights and have experience flying neopthon.

    Im always on TS when I'm game active so just poke me when the test ready.

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