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Posts posted by Hajimoto

  1. Hello all!


    Is anyone else having issues with the UAV portion of the mission functioning since the July 25th Patch (0.74)? After tower destruction there is no UAV option and the the option to use the UAV is not always available.


    For clarification, I mean the option in the menu is not always there and when it is it functions as expected if the tower is still standing. Once destroyed the UAV option disappears from the menu. 




    Is I&A 2.88, 0.74 compatible at this point?


    Thanks in advance

  2.  I wanted to take a tic and say hello to all you fine people and also to thank ths community for sharing such rich content to the ARMA community in general.


    Thank you for the warm and open welcome! 

  3. 1st and foremost, excellent scripting here, thank you for sharing this with the community.


    I do have a question to you or anyone else that has the answer. How difficult would it be to get the Main AO and Side Mission briefings to show up in the diary? Having the briefings listed in the diary very helpful when the team wants to re-read the mission. It would also be helpful when a side mission is scripted with a bit more story line or tactical information that the team may want to re-read once they are executing the mission.


    As it is now, there is a text entry on map of what the mission is but being able to review the the details that were listed initially would be a great benefit.

    Thanks in advance!

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