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Posts posted by Silens

  1. I have not played in the AW servers for a while so I am not sure what the environment is like, however, due to the addition of the jet and such, I would also suggest adding a CAS pilot only slot to balance things out. The CAS pilot being the only one able to of course use the jet and possibly the default spawn pawnee. 

    As you mentioned, as soon as CAS vehicles are available, even in the past before the jet showed up, it seems most helo pilots abandon their transport duty to jump in on the CAS helos/jet. This leaves the infantry troops to fend for themselves and fly transport helos as copilots to get into the action or figure another way to move around.


    The copilot thing, I believe is simply a request to not get in that spot due to the fact that a general Arma bug might cause the copilot player to desync, float around, and damge the helo causing it to crash.

    However, as I have seen it reported across the community, this bug can happen in any position the desyncd player gets in, not just copilot. But in AW servers from what I can tell it is just a courtesy to make sure that it doesnt happen, and I am sure that AW would not ban anyone for such a thing. ( being as it is an arma bug and not being done intentionally by a player)

    But if I am wrong, I am sure I will be corrected by the proper authoritaaaaas! :)

    Have a nice day!

  2. If you are going with such autokick idea, do consider the fact that the vehicles could get stuck inside this autokick zone once the driver is kicked out of the server.

    You could also at the same time reset the vehicle to the original spawn area I'm sure. I know auto kick is kind of harsh, but if they are blowing up barriers and purposefully trying to get vehicles where they are not supposed to be..... 

  3. You should be able to change this in the mission parameters when starting the mission.


    You should have the option to change the squads patrolling AO, squads defending AO, teams patrolling AO and motorized infantry patrolling AO (not sure if motorized patrols are on).


    Other than that, I looked in the mission scripts, all of the AO stuff is in init.sqf, the enemy spawn ( AW_fnc_spawnUnits ) calls for PARAM_SquadsPatrol, which is one of the server parameters I mentioned. So it will spawn whatever number of squads you have set there in the mission parameters.


    If you want to hard code a specific number of squads i guess you could try to edit the description.ext and change the default to whatever you want?

    class SquadsPatrol
    		title = "Squads Patrolling AO";
    		values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
    		texts[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
    		default = 8;
  4. As far as I have seen, the I&A mission does not force or set a specific AI skill itself.

    The unit skill is based on the difficulty setting of the server. (Recruit / Regular / Veteran / Elite) With recruit having the lowest of AI skill.

    If you want to lower it even more, you can edit the Arma3profile of the server and change the default values.
    The overall skill of the AI is based on the Skill and Precision values.
    Skill (how tactical and organized the AI is) is set with a value between 0 and 1, 1 being the highest skill.
    Precision (how accurate the AI is) is also set with a value between 0 and 1.


    Here is the default values for the different difficulties:





  5. Sounds like a great idea, this way people that like to play in a similar style can stick together, and whoever wants to do their own thing can do that too.

    But how does this work in relation to role specific slots? what if a group of guys decide to take all the medic slots and group up? would that leave all the other groups/squads with no medics?

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