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Posts posted by Ale

  1. Hey. I don't wanna just start preaching on my first post, because I know how it feels since I help run my own game servers for different games, and I'm pretty sure what Im about to say has already been said before.


    I've only been playing for a couple of days on your server. But you guys suffer from little to no active moderation on the servers. I'm sitting at the base right now and there are several people mic spamming in side chat, one of them is just heavily breathing down his mic and has been doing it for about 20 mins. One repeat TK offender (Tumz0r) he's been in here the past couple of days just taking helicopters, loading them up with people and then just crashing it into the ground, and when he gets kicked he just rejoins later and keeps doing it. Not to mention the other people intentionally TKing other players once we're out of the base.


    I want to continue playing here, but I'm finding it in really hard since we can't get out of the base because of people crashing choppers on purpose, and then when we finally do get out of base, a friendly just guns us down or satchel charges us. It's causing a lot of people to quit your server and never come back. It's in your best interest to stop this sorta thing.




    Zept0r has started playing hard dance music in side.


    Sorry If I come across as an ass, I really don't intend too, I'm just a bit bored of the stupid shit going on in the server.  I just wanna play Arma as a team.

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