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Posts posted by RyBo

  1.  On behalf of the Elektro Police Dept. server we would like to send a HUGE thanks for all your work. I was one of the many to download on Armaholic. I was able to add Revive,Mobile spawn,TK kicker,View distance options,Helmet cams, Vitural crates.Player Map markers with names, etc all first day.


     Everyone who joins says its the best "DOM" on the server list. In doing so people think I did all this work. So we leave all credits and intro photo's original to thank Rarek and the AW community!


      I just updated your map last night and I am trying the classic DOM revive from Norin. Works great if your affraid of people abusing the mobile respawn. At the moment I have it set so only a "Commander" has control over the mobile spawn (camp fire, lol). Glad you removed mortars but when we Admin we always had one mortar crew up. Kind of miss it for the times when you have low server population. Also love the new side missions. I havent dug i the files to see if you can earn a CAS chopper yet. I added one cause ARMA is not ARMA without full military might being thrown down on the enemey. 


     All in all we thank you for your very hard work. Credit is and will always be due too you!


     Things players asked for on our server which I added and worked.


    -Virtual ammo boxes "glad you added them yourselfs!"

    -Revive/mobile spawn

    -Anti TK system

    -View distance changer

    -Helmet Cams

    -Player map markers with names

    -1 more pilot slot

    -1 CAS KA-60 (Just in case a fly boy pubber comes in. Its not as OP like the LB.)

    -More Vehicles in general (noticed you did the same with the update!)

    -Ive added more but here at work atm I dont remember, lol.


    Above each is listed in order of people "begging/cry/wishing/asking me to add it in.


     I have even made the mission 50 players. That I might not recomened unless you have more CAS/Mortars. It becomes a mad house even with AI groups maxed. I moved it to 40 players like you did in the update. I'm just really glad to see some of the scripts ive thrown in being updated to the new verison. Plain and simle, Epic.


     My other admins want to change the .PAA file to one of our's but at the moment as i said you need full dues. In the mean time if you come up with a branding badge,icon etc would like to add it to our .PAA so people know who made it. Let me know or throw the info in the next (read me) file. Again THANKS!!!!!!




    PS. First Post!

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