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Posts posted by tedbell

  1. Rarek - thanks for thinking of medics! When I modded domination for myself, you had to kill X number of enemies to get enough credit to respawn at the MHQ and it would deduct from your score when you do. This also prevented BF3 style play where you could just teleport, get killed and re-teleport endlessly. Perhaps putting in this type of requirement could be considered. Domination used this to call in airstrikes at a cost of 5 or 10 points each if I remember.


    You could also allow medics to create MASH tents that would allow a limited number of heals to anyone who enters. A strategically placed MASH tent could allow for more emergent gameplay without killing teamplay.


    The reliance on choppers adds so much to the immersion factor in I&A - I hope adding MHQ will not diminish this, but there is plenty of time to figure it out. Good work!

  2. I agree about the medic part - give the medics a chance to be useful - especially while infantry is being fine-tuned during alpha. Having a respawn timer plus a revive script will give much more imprtance to medical personnel.


    Havivng no teleport makes pilots very useful - In fact, with the option to HALO jump from base in the old Domination maps, I never used a single chopper because it was so much easier to halo jump in the middle of the action and start firing away! Pilots in Invade and Annex are very needed and respected for their role.


    Please give medics the same importance!


    thanks for a kickass mission - my favorite Arma3 mission by far!

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