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Farewell Team <3


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I've been long at thought for quite some time now about stepping away and it isn't just from AW, but from many aspects surrounding the gaming community. I've got ongoing IRL issues which really need tackling and where I thought coming into the gaming community (namely Arma 3 & AW) brought me a bit of solace I think it's having more a negative impact than anything. Turns out it was just a temporary escape. Burying heads in the sand is not a good option. 

I don't want to delve into personal reasons or anything like that, instead I'd rather just say thanks to everyone for the fun I've had being around the AW community specifically.

@Xwatt and the others involved in giving me the opportunity to become spartan and public mod, I really had a great time in those roles even though it was a brief spell, hopefully I did the roles well enough for you guys. @Lindi for the assistance and added fun during that brief tenure, as well as @itsmemario and @Geb.


The list is far too long to tag everyone in, but for anyone who i've played alongside on AWE over the past two years then know that i've had some of the best times in those sessions, and i'll truly miss it. 


It's been great being part of this community, I wish everyone the best ❤️❤️❤️.


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