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7 hours ago, Stanhope said:

Hello and welcome


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Thanks, I guess I'll use dynasound 2 then, but not enhanced soundscapes because i have an experience of it getting laggy in heavy firefights.
Also there is one more thing that I have on my mind before i try to join tonight (wednesday), that is the password for the teamspeak groups. I just assumed it was the same as for the server, I don't know if i have missed something but i think i've read up on everything to do with the AWE server but i can not find this maybe it's not supposed to be public even, maybe i should just ask for it from in one of the open channels?

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4 minutes ago, Leifur said:

Thanks, I guess I'll use dynasound 2 then, but not enhanced soundscapes because i have an experience of it getting laggy in heavy firefights.
Also there is one more thing that I have on my mind before i try to join tonight (wednesday), that is the password for the teamspeak groups. I just assumed it was the same as for the server, I don't know if i have missed something but i think i've read up on everything to do with the AWE server but i can not find this maybe it's not supposed to be public even, maybe i should just ask for it from in one of the open channels?

If you've got tfat set up correctly all you have to do is be in the setup room and connect to the server.  You'll automatically be dragged into the channel.  (the password for the arma server can be found in the description of the setup room)

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3 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

If you've got tfat set up correctly all you have to do is be in the setup room and connect to the server.  You'll automatically be dragged into the channel.  (the password for the arma server can be found in the description of the setup room)

aha thanks, I have only gone in and out of the server quickly when no one was there to see that the setup was working and then i was in teamspeak another time, i never thought about just doing it automatically... i do know the server password maybe i was even connected without knowing it

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Hello there,come join my team,I have few people working together in the game,currently recruiting more,this place here is definitely the place for people like you and me,I also play it slow and serious,”NOOBIE-Littleboy Jack” is my ingame,hope to see you soon,I mostly in Eu1/2

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