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Veteran and Field Ambassador Update!


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We've decided to merge the Veteran and Field Ambassador programs, as they basically do the same thing and are in need of a refresh.


So all the current Field Ambassadors + Veterans who mostly play Enhanced will become Field Ambassador Enhanced.

All the current Field Ambassadors that play EU1+2 will become Field Ambassador Public

People who mostly play Squad will get Field Ambassador Squad as well.


This system is here to allow us to expand in the future if we want to add any more games to our servers and to give our most helpful members recognition for moving the community forward. 


It'll look like this on Teamspeak (This person is a field ambassador on EU1+2, AWE, and Squad):



We will roll out the new naming system in the coming days awaiting the communities opinion.



AW Staff

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Seems like a good descision.:)


Though I am wondering what will be the official statement of what a Field Ambassador in general and for each of the servers is? Because until now it was "Is recognised in the community as knowledgeable" (ts.ahoyworld.net -> What do our Teamspeak Tags mean -> Field Ambassador) but as far as I understood it, it was also ment to indicate who helps out within in the community (as you stated yourself in this post), behaves properly, sticks to the rules, etc or to get this in one smaller statement: Someone who is a good example to others. This, in my personal opinion, seems to not always be given especially in the veteran programm. So will the consequenze be to just describe the programm with something like "Is recognised in the community as knowledgeable" without any good-example-requirements or will it be something totally different?

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6 hours ago, Noah_Hero said:

Though I am wondering what will be the official statement of what a Field Ambassador in general and for each of the servers is?

There has never been a definitive definition for Field Ambassadors, like you said, its someone who "helps out within in the community, behaves properly, sticks to the rules". If you can do that while playing EU1+2 then you can get Field Ambassador Public or if you can do that while playing AWE you get Field Ambassador Enhance and so on.


6 hours ago, Noah_Hero said:

Someone who is a good example to others. This, in my personal opinion, seems to not always be given especially in the veteran programm

Then this person shouldn't have been in the Veteran Program. We are briefly looking over everyone in the program to try and stop this in this first stage. We are also removing people who are AFK who haven't informed us. 

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18 minutes ago, Chuck said:

There has never been a definitive definition for Field Ambassadors, like you said, its someone who "helps out within in the community, behaves properly, sticks to the rules". If you can do that while playing EU1+2 then you can get Field Ambassador Public or if you can do that while playing AWE you get Field Ambassador Enhance and so on.

Sounds good!:)


18 minutes ago, Chuck said:

Then this person shouldn't have been in the Veteran Program. We are briefly looking over everyone in the program to try and stop this in this first stage. We are also removing people who are AFK who haven't informed us. 

Maybe it is a good idea to remove everyone from the programms and then start off completely fresh by again putting in people who you think should be in there instead of merging FAs and Vets together. But sounds like a good plan so far.



And thanks for the reply!:)

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1 minute ago, GhostDragon said:

Ahh ok yes, this is legacy due to the renaming of modded to enhanced a while back. If you look at tags.ahoyworld.net it is referenced as  AhoyWorld Enhanced Moderator. 

but from that page I got this very XML:

4 minutes ago, Noah_Hero said:


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So we've made the move. Everything went smoothly.

The new Field Ambsaaasodors for enhanced have been reset as Colsta wants to start from scratch. So you will get approached from Colsta and invited to join if you are suitable.


If you are a current field ambassador for public or get invited by Colsta, please can you send me your in-game name and UID so I can add you to the Field ambassador squad XML.

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