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Thank you to you all for helping with Oderus's Memorial Fund!


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I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone that has donated to or shared Oderus's memorial fund. He was a true friend to us all, and I am blown away by the support you have all made to Gamers Outreach for him. We will be able to help alot  of kids sick in the hospital find joy through gaming! I love all of you, this has proven  to me just how special this community is, and I am extremely proud to call all of you my friend. Oderus's family and roommate reached out to me that they loved the idea, and will be sharing it as well. I will do my best to keep you all updated on any news I get from them. They also wanted to pass along their thank yous for all the support they have received from us during this troubling time. 


To anyone that has not yet seen the fund the url is https://fundraise.gamersoutreach.org/campaign/jeff-xoderusurungusx-lincoln-memorial-fund-s9nlcoifr2w7

I set it up as an unlimited fund, I plan to donate every year on his birthday. 

RIP xOderusUrungusX 4-19-2018

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