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Guide suggestion

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Hi all,


I would like to know if there is a guide somewhere in this forum that describe the roles and particularities of every position in the server. What i mean by this is a description of team lead, engineer, ASL, etc.


When a new player join, he knows the basics but not the specifics of it. It is only by playing that we learn of them (ex: engineers are more efficient for searching vehicules, etc).


I have not found anything in the guide section, so i guess these info are buried in the feedback thread or date back before Stilleto.


If  i'm overthinking this, tell me but i would find this very useful.

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  • 2 months later...

As a noob to AWE I would very much appreciate some sort of guide to the specific roles, especially logistics. And also a quick guide to ACE hotkeys and functions etc. Sometimes I just bug out of the game rather than hold everyone up when the action hots up rather than make myself look stupid. ?  I do appreciate the tolerant help from the more experienced players. I know it’s not easy to do in game, no time etc. It would also be most useful if there was a “practice range” with the modded weapons just to help get a feel for the kit. When I look at the kill scores I wonder if you can all remember what it was like to constantly fail to see the enemy let alone kill the enemy!! However I do enjoy the team play just wish it was a bit easier. 

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If you want to do some practicing offline you could play stiletto locally.  Here is a guide on how to extract the PBO: 

Once you've extracted the PBO put it in one of the following folders (or both):

C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Arma 3\missions
C:\Users\yourUser\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\yourProfile\missions


Then go into the eden editor and on the top find the play drop down and select the multiplayer option.



You can also  check out these guides:

^The basics

^The roles

And ingame, on the map, you have a tap CBA on the left hand side.  In there you'll find a lot of keybindings for several things.

Edited by Stanhope
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Cheers Stan, thank you. So if I do that will there be enemy or not?  I will check out the keystrokes. Lots of problems today with the new Motherboard not allowing Win 10 to register as I had upgraded from 7 when it was free and the digital reg didn’t work. 2 hours on the phone to MS Bangalore got it sorted but now Teamspeak is playing up in game. I have to close TS and open as admin and reset the push to talk buttons every time I spawn. It might be the sound card but I doubt it. I didn’t have the problem before the new update. 

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1 hour ago, Mad Eye Moody said:

I have to close TS and open as admin and reset the push to talk buttons every time I spawn.

Always run TS as admin.  Mine starts as admin by default so I don't forget.

1 hour ago, Mad Eye Moody said:

So if I do that will there be enemy or not?

Well we still don't know exactly what was causing that issue, so we'll have to find out :)

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Right click the exe file or shortcut file to TeamSpeak, and go to the properties (bottom option). Then the tab compatibility, at the bottom there should be a option to "run this program in administrator mode" or something like that. Tick the box for that and press apply, then ok. Done, TS should now always start as admin.

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Got the TS thing sorted I think. As far as the playing AWE locally... I had a good go at the download and installation but could not get the depacker working (win10 issue?). Used another depacker and put the files into the right folders I think. However when I try to run them in editor the game is not running as per the server option. Surrounded by players, no weapons or transport etc. Never mind, worth a go.

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2 minutes ago, Mad Eye Moody said:

Surrounded by players, no weapons or transport etc. Never mind, worth a go.

You ran it as single player :)  In the editor at the top there is an options bar.  One of the last options should be something about play.  Clicking on it will show a dropdown menu, the last option of it should be play as multiplayer.  That's what you need to be able to play it.  

One last thing you'll need to do to get it working is this:
Go to the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3_readme.txt (or whichever drive you have arma on).  And change the contents of that file to:
zeusAdminUIDs = [];
zeusModeratorUIDs = [];
zeusSpartanUIDs = [];

(The original content is just some boring legal information, removing it won't affect arma the slightest)


If you want to have zeus put your steam64 ID in the the zeus moderator UIDs between double quotes.  Like this but with a non-fake UID :):
zeusModeratorUIDs= ["76561198111585500"]; 

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Hi Stan, I Finally got it working. I just pasted the UID info into ALL the Arma read me files I could find and it is now working in SP & MP modes. So now I won’t need to mess about on the live server to practice with the kit, guns etc. I am sure that will please everyone and stop me unintentionally breaking any server

rules and regulations. 

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