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3 hours ago, Solex said:

So many nice games, so little time! It looks good :)

When a game can be this pretty but at the same time scare you just by atmosphere, then it's a good game. Sure tehre are a few bugs and the pop is can be bad at times but overall one of the best I've played in ages.

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3 hours ago, Amentes said:

Subnautica really is a rather well-crafted game. Deserves high praise.


Is it your first playthrough? Asking because of the 5th part :)

It is indeed, I played it for about 30 mins when I purchased it back in... erm 2015 I think, and I have messed about with the base building in creative mode. Besides that not a lot I know about it, I recall reading some stuff on the forums a year or so ago but I avoided most of it. Makes it soo much more fun not knowing what I am doing. So complete n00b no, pretty much n00b yes.

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15 hours ago, J0hnson said:

Since.... the Witcher 3?

Honestly never played it, mainly as I just havent had tiome to invest. I looks amazing, but single player is hard as a parent of young 'uns. You just can't invest the time, hence drop in drop out such as I&A public is ideal for me.


Never ever finished GTA V either, got about 25% of the way in and just left it; GTA online was easier to leave and jump back in.

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15 hours ago, SkullCollector said:

So I watched a couple of your videos and just had to look up the game on Steam. Heard of it before, but never really knew what it's about. Turns out I had it set to 'Not interested'.


Now it's on my wishlist.

It's very very good, but depends what you wan't, fast paced and frantic, no, immersive, simple to grasp and plays on your subcouscious fears, yes. Haven't really gone that far or deep yet!

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