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Make Arma 3 Great Again!



I have a list of the question regarding next I&A update:

1.Can you add some underwater side missions?I mean we have a diver suits for underwater missions and SDV's and submarine like static object.

2.Can you involve into the server M4 Scorcher and M5 Sandstorm like artilery support for the BLUFOR controlled by the player or the FSG Gunner?

3.Can you turn off the lights of the OPFOR vehicles at night because i think is too ridiculous for the OPFOR vehicles to roam at AO or side missions with their lights turned on because in the real life army vehicles have their lights turned off at night to not be exposed by the enemy.

4.Can you make OPROF more aggressive e.g when they see BLUFOR troops near the houses (or warehouses) to open fire on them not to stand like clay pigeons waiting for someone to enter in the house to kill them.

P.S Sorry for the bad english.English is not my native language.

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1 minute ago, THE PUNISHER said:

1.Can you add some underwater side missions?I mean we have a diver suits for underwater missions and SDV's and submarine like static object.

We used to have an underwater side mission, the code for it is actually still in I&A.  But we've disabled the mission because nobody played it.  It was often up for hours upon hours before an admin skipped it.
Arma isn't set up for underwater combat, you can't swim and shoot, visibility is always poor.  You can't plant explosives, you can't heal people, ...


2 minutes ago, THE PUNISHER said:

2.Can you involve into the server M4 Scorcher and M5 Sandstorm like artilery support for the BLUFOR controlled by the player or the FSG Gunner?

Both the M4 and M5 have ordinance with a ginormous blast radius.  From experience we know that giving someone these assets with unlimited ammo will lead to a lot of teamkills.  
They are actually ingame already.  You can call in strikes from them if you have enough points.  You can 'buy' these strikes in base, on a laptop near the teleport laptop.


5 minutes ago, THE PUNISHER said:

3.Can you turn off the lights of the OPFOR vehicles at night because i think is too ridiculous for the OPFOR vehicles to roam at AO or side missions with their lights turned on because in the real life army vehicles have their lights turned off at night to not be exposed by the enemy.

Whether or not AI turns their light on depends on which state they are in.  When spawned in they are in the 'safe' state, meaning that they'll act like there are no enemies around.  When they detect enemies near, they'll turn their lights of and go into 'cautious' mode.  They'll start being more attentive, start going offroad, turn in, ...  And when they are getting shot at or shooting at enemies they'll be in 'combat' mode.  They'll look for cover and basically not move.


Spawning them in as 'cautious' to have them disable their lights isn't gonna help as they'll go into 'safe' after x amount of time.  I could use setPilotLight, a command that toggles the lights on or off from a vehicle, but I don't know wether or not AI behaviour overrules it.


10 minutes ago, THE PUNISHER said:

4.Can you make OPROF more aggressive e.g when they see BLUFOR troops near the houses (or warehouses) to open fire on them not to stand like clay pigeons waiting for someone to enter in the house to kill them.

What you're describing is writing new AI behaviour scripts.  That's something that's normally done in a server-side mod and not in the mission itself.  

For the AI in houses not moving at all (in main AOs), that's because i've disabled their movement.  When I didn't it was basically useless for me to spawn them into specific positions in houses as they just ran away.

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10 hours ago, Stanhope said:

We used to have an underwater side mission, the code for it is actually still in I&A.  But we've disabled the mission because nobody played it.  It was often up for hours upon hours before an admin skipped it.
Arma isn't set up for underwater combat, you can't swim and shoot, visibility is always poor.  You can't plant explosives, you can't heal people, ...


Both the M4 and M5 have ordinance with a ginormous blast radius.  From experience we know that giving someone these assets with unlimited ammo will lead to a lot of teamkills.  
They are actually ingame already.  You can call in strikes from them if you have enough points.  You can 'buy' these strikes in base, on a laptop near the teleport laptop.


Whether or not AI turns their light on depends on which state they are in.  When spawned in they are in the 'safe' state, meaning that they'll act like there are no enemies around.  When they detect enemies near, they'll turn their lights of and go into 'cautious' mode.  They'll start being more attentive, start going offroad, turn in, ...  And when they are getting shot at or shooting at enemies they'll be in 'combat' mode.  They'll look for cover and basically not move.


Spawning them in as 'cautious' to have them disable their lights isn't gonna help as they'll go into 'safe' after x amount of time.  I could use setPilotLight, a command that toggles the lights on or off from a vehicle, but I don't know wether or not AI behaviour overrules it.


What you're describing is writing new AI behaviour scripts.  That's something that's normally done in a server-side mod and not in the mission itself.  

For the AI in houses not moving at all (in main AOs), that's because i've disabled their movement.  When I didn't it was basically useless for me to spawn them into specific positions in houses as they just ran away.

Ok.Thank you for the response.If you can try to play with enemy lights in the night time and please make (outdoors) OPFOR one notch harder.

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AI behaviour will always overwrite

unit action ["LightOff", targetVehicle];

and setPilotLight is local. Unless you loop setBehaviour you can't force AI to stay in combat mode when there is no contact.




Switches headlights of a vehicle on/off. Note that the vehicle has to be local, for global variant use Arma 3 Actions "LightOn"/"LightOff"

(from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPilotLight)



Description: Turns off the headlights of an empty vehicle. If the vehicle is AI-controlled (either as the lone driver, or as the commander/gunner) then the light status depends on the AI's behaviour mode ("combat" or "stealth" = lights off, any other mode = lights on).

(from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Actions#LightOff)

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23 hours ago, Stanhope said:

you can't swim and shoot

SDAR ... The rest I agree with wrt underwater warfare. :)


23 hours ago, Stanhope said:

Whether or not AI turns their light on depends on which state they are in.  When spawned in they are in the 'safe' state, meaning that they'll act like there are no enemies around.  When they detect enemies near, they'll turn their lights of and go into 'cautious' mode.  They'll start being more attentive, start going offroad, turn in, ...  And when they are getting shot at or shooting at enemies they'll be in 'combat' mode.  They'll look for cover and basically not move.


Spawning them in as 'cautious' to have them disable their lights isn't gonna help as they'll go into 'safe' after x amount of time.  I could use setPilotLight, a command that toggles the lights on or off from a vehicle, but I don't know wether or not AI behaviour overrules it.


What you're describing is writing new AI behaviour scripts.  That's something that's normally done in a server-side mod and not in the mission itself.  


I don't see why the enemy would assume it's safe, though? Their country is being invaded. They should be up in arms constantly. :P

As such, spawn them in as "aware" and "reactivate" its behaviour at each waypoint using this command, if that works?

[_grp, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";


If changing behaviour isn't what you want, I also found this. Haven't tested it at all, so I'm not sure if this even works, or if it's the same command for every single vehicle in the game... Basically, you're destroying the headlights, so they can't be used even if they wanted to.

this setHit ["light_l", 1];
this setHit ["light_r", 1];

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Hi guys, i agree for the come back of underwater mission. Maybe make some test ? If they are here, i play them, realy :D.


Another idea: Can yu add mine on side / main ao mission. With the new DLC, i think some mine spot can be cool.


(always, sry for my english :D )

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On 2/10/2018 at 11:03 PM, LittleBoy said:

Hi guys, i agree for the come back of underwater mission. Maybe make some test ? If they are here, i play them, realy :D.


Another idea: Can yu add mine on side / main ao mission. With the new DLC, i think some mine spot can be cool.


(always, sry for my english :D )

The radio tower is protected by mines! :)

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