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How do I scale I&A 3.x to 6-10 players private game?


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I'd like to teach my clan to have fun with I&A 3.x, but running it locally "as is" is just too overwhelming for 6-10 players.

Which file do I edit (and how) to spawn reasonable amounts of enemy units pr AO ?



RG Sneaker

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UnPBO the mission file if you haven't already.


For the main AO:
Then go to this file: Invade_&_Annex_3_3_6.altis\Functions\AI\fn_mainAOSpawnHandler.sqf

That's the file that handles the units spawned by the AO.  You can alter which and how many vehicles are spawned in here.


For the side missions:

Go to the folder: Invade_&_Annex_3_3_6.altis\Functions\Units

in here you'll find the following files: 







These files spawn in the units for side missions.  fn_sideMissionEnemy.sqf is passed parameters to determine how many units are spawned, the others are a fixed amount.  If you want to alter how many units are spawned in in a side mission i suggest first looking at the files for those side missions which can be found in this folder: Invade_&_Annex_3_3_6.altis\Missions\Side


If you've got any more questions don't hesitate to ask.

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