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Add the Blackfish & Xi'an to BF/OF vehicles?

Add the Blackfish and Xi'an as BF/OF vehicles to AWE?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Add the Blackfish and Xi'an as BF/OF vehicles to AWE?

    • Yes - why the heck not
    • No - my immersion can't handle these sci-fi vehicles

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STILETTO_STRATIS_01_027.Stratis\scripts\actions\paradropCargo.sqf lines 37-40

_para = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", (getPos _cargo), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_cargo attachTo [_para, [0,0,1]];
_smoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShellBlue", (getPos _cargo), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_smoke attachTo [_cargo, [0,0,1.7]];


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Edit the cargo capacity, you can load anything into anything. Yeah, it won't be visible inside the cargo hold, but ehh.


What do people envision them being used for though? I'm having a hard time seeing what job they'd do that isn't already being done by another rotor-wing.

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1 hour ago, ansin11 said:

You don't write custom functions for EU3?

I dont, Ryko probably does.


To do Logi on EU3, you either air lift or load the boxes inside a vehicle large enough. I believe a 600RP crate takes up 10 cargo spaces in Ace, could make the Blackfish's cargo space higher so it doesn't use the same amount of space as a Humvee. Using the attach to script is a bit crap.


Anyway I'd be up for these vehicle's addition, but I wouldn't be hurt if they weren't. They add a bit of variety and of course they're not a mod so not many reasons to argue about it.

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I've followed up on a previous suggestion to an ability to load/unload the large cargo crates (600RP) to the basic HEMTT: this is accomplished by an addAction and includes a nifty animation that attaches / detaches the cargo crate to the vehicle.  I could probably do something similar for the Blackfish, but yeah, as stated, it's probably easier to just manually change the ACE cargo capacity of the Blackfish. Anyone know what it is set to currently?

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I agree with Amentes; the Blackfish's cargo space can just be realistically edited.


The Blackfish would be a super cool substitute for the lack of a MV-22, bit big for the Freedom though. The Xi'an would be just badass in general, great if we ever play as the PLA, even better if they use them against us.


But if I see a fucking Xi'an attempt to make a quick EVAC in the center of the AO while I'm playing as the USMC using a loadout that is so realistic it took literally days to research and build, the immersion in my bloodstream will boil.




I'm for the introduction of these vehicles into AWE but I'm not for the introduction of AWE into these vehicles.

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On 12/12/2017 at 8:20 PM, Ryko said:

I've followed up on a previous suggestion to an ability to load/unload the large cargo crates (600RP) to the basic HEMTT: this is accomplished by an addAction and includes a nifty animation that attaches / detaches the cargo crate to the vehicle.  I could probably do something similar for the Blackfish, but yeah, as stated, it's probably easier to just manually change the ACE cargo capacity of the Blackfish. Anyone know what it is set to currently?

It is set to 4, same as a humvee. At least 20 spaces would be appreciated and realistic given the space and weight limitations I'd say.

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On 12.12.2017 at 9:20 PM, Ryko said:

I've followed up on a previous suggestion to an ability to load/unload the large cargo crates (600RP) to the basic HEMTT: this is accomplished by an addAction and includes a nifty animation that attaches / detaches the cargo crate to the vehicle.  I could probably do something similar for the Blackfish, but yeah, as stated, it's probably easier to just manually change the ACE cargo capacity of the Blackfish. Anyone know what it is set to currently?

The default for every variant of blackfish and xian is 4 ACE cargo capacity.

EDIT: NVM it was already answered.

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