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Evening all


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Seeing as how I can't join the UK ARMA3  server at the moment, thought I'd drop by and say hello. Old fart, long time (bad) OPFLASH & ARMA player & bullet magnet, enjoyed your server when I've been able to get on it. Tag: Immaterial.

Excellent job on getting such a good dynamic mission out on an alpha by the way. 

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Hi Immaterial,


Thanks for taking the time to reg-up ! Now we have your details we will tatoo your serialnumber in your neck and send your to the battlefield ! Please fasten your seatbelt, take not we dont serve meals, and hangon to your balls, since you are going straight to Stratus !!


The server is not down, we are merely hiding behind passwords now a few days until proper patches are released.


Best way to get the most current password is to grab it off teamspeak as there is almost always someone about to help you out.


Grab your Teamspeak copy: HERE.

Connect to our server: HERE


For now i also dropped you the correct password in your PM. Make sure to restart your game BEFORE connecting in order to not infect the server.


Have a good one, now get back to the fight, soldier !

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