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ahowyworld this is tecHunt message over


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New recruit here,

I have played ArmA 3 for more than 500 hours, but paused for a couple years now.

Came back because of the fond memories I had with VTS missions.

Unfortunately my previous gaming community disbanded because of internal issues.

I know some members came here, so they might be still playing on your servers.


Before I left, I already played some times on your servers, and before signing up now I also played here a bit on enhanced, as it seems "less" chaotic than I&A...

Well, communication is "better"...

Okay, let's just say, it's more fun doing missions in a small team, rather than overrunning the enemy with sheer numbers.


Not sure how frequent I'm actually going to play,

however, now that I've sorted out my private life a bit, I want to get back into ArmA again.

Hope you're a bit lenient with me, as some of your British accents are damn hard to understand over radio... or in general :P


Numquam Retro, over

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