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How I think Alpha should be layed out (OPINION)

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ASL Team:

ASL - duh

Intel Op - The new stiletto "be friends with the locals" thing is cool, and intel op is neato.

Medic - usually gets detached from their team to go help someone else anyway, so put it here.

How it should be used:

This is the team that is between the other two teams, it moves between them collecting Intel and covering the medic if he is needed somewhere. not on the front lines but may still need to shoot a fool that pops up.



Alpha 1:

Team Lead - duh

AutoRifle - This AR should have one of the smaller 556 AR's, expected to maybe put some suppressive fire down a street, not across an AO.

Engineer - Since this is the "forward" team, put the guy with the mine detector up front. he can also blow up objectives / walls / anything else

LAT - The big AT gun wont have perfect coverage of the ao, this is for when your in a town or behind a hill and a BTR appears, carries an at4 or some LAWS.


How it should be used:

This is the forward team, they are going to be on point with their mine detector, and usually the guys inside buildings. (although if the op is in a large city, a2 will need to help out clearing as well), they are fast reaction team and should be light enough to sprint across a road for example, should aim for <30.



Alpha 2

Team Lead - duh

AutoRifle - This AR is expected to put suppressive down at 300-700m ranges, usually from one hill to the next or into the other side of a town, and should carry "a big stick"

Marksman - I See this team spending the most time covering A1, ideally on a hill, so putting a marksman here who can deal with people on the next hill / other end of a town (<1km)

AT - This is the new combined AT guy, carrying a maws / smaw / jav. they are who you call when a t72 rolls up, or when a bmp is on the next hill lighting up a1.


How it should be used:

This is the team that is (most of the time but not all, please be prepared to clear a building when needed) sitting on a hill, say 300-400m away from the town A1 is clearing providing over watch. The AR should have a nice big 7.62 AR for long range engagements, the marksman should have (IMO) a bolt action rifle, and a normal m16 / w/e in the backpack., and the AT should have one of the big launchers, (smaw,maw,jav,etc)



Its smaller than the current alpha, but i think that's a good thing with the smaller average player count now-days. how would you arrange alpha? post your squad setup below!



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I'd still keep to 5-man squads, with the extra role being a basic rifleman. It's handy to have a rifleman slot for new players, as well as someone whose role can include taking extra ammunition. 


I'm not against moving the medic to asl, but I know there has been some mixed feelings about taking him away from the front line. 


Finally I see what you're trying to do by putting the marksman and the heavy at guy in the same squad, but my feeling is this will just encourage players out of A1 towards A2. Plus the marksman seems to do well with asl, where he can be properly directed. 

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would love a basic rifleman slot, wasn't sure to go with 4 or 5 man teams but giving both of them a basic rifleman is a great idea.


i see your concern with the "people flock to the big guns" thing, I just think that what with the intel op needing to run around a city anyway, might as well put the ASL team in the city behind a1, a1 clears while ASL does civ ops, keeping the medic nearby for a1.


Dunno how to solve the "people want the toys" problem, might not be a solution.

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59 minutes ago, Ryko said:

with the extra role being a basic rifleman

Would love to have that one back since I am shit as any sort of AT or as Medic.:lol::)


1 hour ago, Ryko said:

I'm not against moving the medic to asl

Would love that as well since in my opinion one medic usually can handle things.


1 hour ago, Ryko said:

my feeling is this will just encourage players out of A1 towards A2.

Except for the ones like me who usually don´t like to just be sitting on a hill. Therefore I´d guess that we´ll find enough others like me to fill up A1. ;)

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My suggestion as a player:

ASL team:

Marksman (with access to both semi auto and bolt action.  Max caliber of .308)
Rifleman AT
Intel operative

Alpha 1:




rifleman LAT


Alpha 2:




rifleman LAT




If 5 man teams were to be prefered for A1 and A2 i'd put an additional medic in A1 and a normal rifleman in A2.

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My personal slant on this is as follows:



1: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?

2: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?

3: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?

4: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?


Alpha 1:

1: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?

2: Just leave it for now do we really need to try and change everything every five seconds?



I just think that in the past couple of weeks there has been somewhat of a bandwagoning phase in relation to squad arrangement, and that having new suggestions for these things is futile and a waste of discussion. I'll leave it at that because whenever I start going into detail in arguments such as these there is never a pleasant outcome for any party.

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Below is the concept I had put some thought into November 2nd. Given the five-man team thing seems to be staying, I'm still undecided about what to put in each Alpha team to compensate. First thoughts would be to add an ammo bearer, but given that was essentially the AR assistant role months ago and nobody wanted to take it, it makes no sense to add it back. 


Second idea would be the generic rifleman, whose role would be as described. But generic, boring roles mixed in with a plethora of specialized ones will result in most people hopping on only for those premier special roles, or not joining at all. It's becoming more common that people just log off when they don't see the role they want; and time has shown that very few people ever want a basic, non-specialized character.


I looked up realistic job options within the US military and mostly found things that were either impossible to implement into the server, or stuff that would take away from things like Command's FAC or logistics; so I'm at odds with myself as to the fifth role.



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Squad Leader

Intel Operative

Fire Support Specialist

Fire Support Assistant


Alpha 1 Teamleader

Alpha 1 Autorifleman

Alpha 1 Engineer

Alpha 1 Rifleman LAT

Alpha 1 Medic


Alpha 2 Teamleader

Alpha 2 Autorifleman

Alpha 2 Engineer

Alpha 2 Rifleman LAT

Alpha 2 Medic


We've tested this before and it worked pretty amazingly. There's also a bit of room for improvements.

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Head Screaming Sandman

Master of Blood and Bones


Lead Screaming Sandman

Sandman with fast gun

Grunt with grenade

Soviet rifleman without a rifle


Lead Screaming Sandman

Sandman with boomstick


Lee Harvey Oswald


That's how the USMC do it anyway but you guys wouldn't understand realism :angry:





In seriousness, I like the USMC's assault/spec. structure personally. In my eyes its much more suitable to Stiletto's intended playerbase/numbers as well as accommodating to a more multidimensional squad. So manipulating that;



Alpha Lead:

Squad Leader

Intel Op.


A1: (Anti-Infantry)

Team Leader



Corpsman (Medic)



A2: (Anti-Tank/Support)

Team Leader

Assaultman (SMAW/mortar/.50 etc.)

Assaultman (SMAW/mortar/.50 etc.)

Assault. Assist




With this setup, the two teams are at the perfect level of diversity. While one focuses more on anti-infantry and the other focuses on anti-tank/support, they can still both provide support in either category. For example, A1 can still bring LAT and A2 still have rifles. Additionally, there is only one medic but he is very well protected in his team should he need to move around and such.


While A2 may have two specialists they shouldn't not be limited to only AT. This team could be used as a general support team that sticks tight to the rest of Alpha (using a light mortar or a M240B etc.), an AA team or a simply and AT team (or all of the above).



To be honest I'm not too bothered, just spitballing.

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