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Having some issues

Guest AlCapone

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Guest AlCapone

So i downloaded the source code from the webpage. I have started editing it to fit the needs of my Unit(IFA3 - WW2 themed milsim) but i cant test it from my own pc. It crashes arma and tells me it couldnt open the mission file?
When i try to import it into the edon editor to update the mission file(It says it was last edited 2013) it also crashes and throws an error saying unable to import. Im not sure what to do here? I cant test it, and it crashes every time i do something with it.


Thanks in advance.

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Which version of I&A are you using?  Because it looks to me you're using one of the older I&A 2 versions and i have no idea whether or not those still run.

Could you also give a bit more information about the error?  A screenshot or something would be nice. 

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Guest AlCapone

I was using the version last updated in 2013, and it gave me an error that just said "Unable to open mission file" and crashed. 

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Guest AlCapone

It gives the error no matter what i do with it, if i try to run it from my server, if i run it from my pc and if i try to open it in the editor. 
And as for version i cant find anything in the code that states its version, i just know the file name is CO40.AW.INVADE.ANNEX.3

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The reason it's giving you an error is because arma is looking for a map called AW.INVADE.ANNEX.3.altis.  Change all the points to underscores and try again.  (Except for the point between the 3 and the altis)


So: co40_AW_invade_annex_3.altis

Edited by Stanhope
added example
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Guest AlCapone

Im just trying that now. As for changing the units sides (As ifa3 has germans as blue for, and british as independent) Would that be as simple as changing the Enemy units spawned via the script, and then the playable units via the editor? 

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Guest AlCapone
Just now, Stanhope said:

In theory?  Yes.

There are a lot of places where units are spawned in by I&A.  You'll have to go through a lot of scripts to find all of them.

Yeah i assumed the players and units would be simple to edit. Im a little confused at how i even edit the main base rn

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Guest AlCapone
21 hours ago, ansin11 said:


Everything is called using markers, but the problem is i dont know where its calling things like bases from


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Guest AlCapone
21 hours ago, Stanhope said:

I still don't know which version you're looking at so i can't help there.  If you can upload the code you have to dropbox or something and paste a link here i might be able to help.  But not right now seeing how i'm in class :)  

Thats the version i managed to get to edit.

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Right, i just opened it and looked at it.  It is not the version of I&A we currently use.  I'm also not familiar with this version so i can't really be of much assistance if you use this version.  If you use the version of I&A we currently use i'm able to help out a bit.  But i'm rather busy lately so don't expect me to do loads :)

Which version you use is entirely up to you.

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