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RHS 0.4.3 into AWE

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I've been messing with the new RHS update for a few hours now so I figured I might as well do something productive;


So I've made a list of the new content that could be added to AWE (to save someone's time hopefully).

(This isn't a full changelog, just a list of what could be nicely implemented into AWE)




US Armed Forces

+ New Army Combat Uniform (UCP)

+ Eagle MBAV body armours for USSOCOM

+ New sexy, custom modelled HGU-56/P pilot helmets (so many variants but adding them would make for some nice customisation)

+ New sexy, custom modelled ACVS-H tanker helmets

+ SI Ballistic 2.0 goggles

+ Shemaghs + Goggles

+ RHS M3 MAAWS (slight differences from TF47, however it seems that TF47 is no longer required other than M136-CS)

+ Cool new Caiman MRAPs (alot nicer than the current MRAPs in my opinion)

+ Aimpoint T1

+ G33 magnifier

+ M4A1 PIP (Wodland)

+ HK416 14.5 new camouflage variants

+ AFG grip (Woodland)

+ M552 optic (Woodland)

+ New G17 attachments

+ M855/6 ammunition (a personal favourite item of the update)

+ Some really nice new textures for the MRZR, adding woodland camo and muddy models

+ A sweet new SOCOM version of the M1078A1 truck (Standard: https://i.imgur.com/ygxyTFA.jpg / SOCOM: https://i.imgur.com/0XscLfs.jpg)



RU Armed Forces

+ The unholy Mig-29

+ Multiple new AK-74 varrients (most adding RIS rails)

+ A few new AKM varrients (most adding RIS rails)

+ Spec. Ops. PB 69P pistol

+ New optics (1P87 / EKP-8-02 / EKP-8-18)

+ TGP-V2 new SVD suppressor



"Green" Armed Forces

+ M93 (3-Colour Desert)

+ ALICE Webbing

+ TT-33 pistol (could be added for Russian faction)

+ Multiple Czechoslovakian 'Sa vz. 58' rifles (could also be added into Russian faction)

+ The Fugly Mosin (very fun for Spetsnaz)

+ An IZh-18 12 gauge break-barrel shotgun (The RU faction don't have a shotgun so maybe this would be fun)

+ The ALICE Backpack (nice for both RU and US forces)

+ PASGT helmet (3-Colour Desert)



Serbian Armed Forces

+ Mig-29 Pilot Overalls

(Really not much that could be added to AWE, SAF got basically nothing this update)



Additional Notes

+ There's many new vehicle customisation options and varients that could be used

+ There's many fixes too, such as the C-130's invisible propellers

+ The large majority of RHS vehicles are now capable of using Dynamic Loadouts

+ (Full changelog can be found here: http://www.rhsmods.org/)


If I've missed anything or if anyone has any comments and questions, please, feel free to post a reply. RHS updates their mod rarely, but surly, so discussion over the changes comes few and far between.





(I have not added ALL the classnames for each new item since some may not be suited for AWE, according to previous discussions and not necessarily my own opinion (such as the new pink pilot helmets). However, it would be a shame to see some of the new helmets left out.



US Armed Forces

+ Army Combat Uniform (UCP) [rhs_uniform_acu_ucp]

Eagle MBAV body armours [rhsusf_mbav + rhsusf_mbav_grenadier / rhsusf_mbav_light / rhsusf_mbav_mg / rhsusf_mbav_medic / rhsusf_mbav_rifleman]

+ HGU-56/P pilot helmets [rhsusf_hgu56p / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_mask / rhsusf_hgu56p_black / rhsusf_hgu56p_mask_black / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_black / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_mask_black / rhsusf_hgu56p_green / rhsusf_hgu56p_mask_green / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_green / rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_mask_green]

+ ACVS-H tanker helmets [rhsusf_cvc_helmet / rhsusf_cvc_alt_helmet / rhsusf_cvc_ess / rhsusf_cvc_green_helmet / rhsusf_cvc_green_alt_helmet / rhsusf_cvc_green_ess]

+ SI Ballistic 2.0 goggles [rhsusf_oakley_goggles_blk / rhsusf_oakley_goggles_clr / rhsusf_oakley_goggles_ylw]

+ Shemaghs [rhsusf_shemagh_grn / rhsusf_shemagh2_grn / rhsusf_shemagh_od / rhsusf_shemagh2_od / rhsusf_shemagh_tan / rhsusf_shemagh2_tan / rhsusf_shemagh_gogg_grn /  rhsusf_shemagh2_gogg_grn / rhsusf_shemagh_gogg_od / rhsusf_shemagh2_gogg_od / rhsusf_shemagh_gogg_tan / rhsusf_shemagh2_gogg_tan]

+ RHS M3 MAAWS [rhs_weap_maaws / rhs_optic_maaws / rhs_mag_maaws_HE / rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT / rhs_mag_maaws_HEDP]

+ Cool new Caiman MRAPs [rhsusf_M1220_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1220_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1220_M2_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1220_M2_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1220_MK19_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1220_MK19_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1230_MK19_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1230_MK19_usarmy_wd / rhsusf_M1230a1_usarmy_d / rhsusf_M1230a1_usarmy_wd]

+ Aimpoint T1 [rhsusf_acc_T1_high / rhsusf_acc_T1_low]

+ G33 magnifier [rhsusf_acc_g33_T1 / rhsusf_acc_g33_xps3 / rhsusf_acc_g33_xps3_tan]

+ M4A1 PIP (Wodland) [rhs_weap_m4a1_wd / rhs_weap_m4a1_wd_mstock / rhs_weap_m4a1_m203s_wd]

+ HK416 14.5 new camouflage variants [rhs_weap_hk416d145_d / rhs_weap_hk416d145_d_2 / rhs_weap_hk416d145_wd / rhs_weap_hk416d145_wd_2]

+ AFG grip (Woodland) [rhsusf_acc_grip2_wd]

+ M552 optic (Woodland) [rhsusf_acc_eotech_552_wd]

+ New G17 attachments [acc_flashlight_pistol]

+ M855/6 ammunition [rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855_Stanag / rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855_Stanag_Tracer_Red / rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855_Stanag_Tracer_Green    / rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow / rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855_Stanag_Tracer_Orange]

+ SOCOM version of the M1078A1 truck [rhsusf_M1078A1R_SOV_M2_D_fmtv_socom]


RU Armed Forces

+ The unholy Mig-29 [rhs_mig29s_vvs]

+ Multiple new AK-74 varrients [rhs_weap_ak74m_npz / rhs_weap_ak74m_2mag_npz / rhs_weap_ak74m_gp25_npz / rhs_weap_ak74m_fullplum_gp25_npz / rhs_weap_ak74m_plummag_npz / rhs_weap_ak105_npz / rhs_weap_ak105_zenitco01_b33]

+ A few new AKM varrients [rhs_weap_akm_zenitco01_b33 / rhs_weap_akmn / rhs_weap_akmn_gp25 / rhs_weap_akmn_gp25_npz / rhs_weap_pm63]

+ PB 69P pistol [rhs_weap_pb_6p9 / rhs_acc_6p9_suppressor]

+ New optics (1P87 / EKP-8-02 / EKP-8-18) [rhs_acc_ekp8_02 / rhs_acc_1p87 / rhs_acc_ekp8_18]

+ TGP-V2 new SVD suppressor [rhs_acc_tgpv2]



"Green" Armed Forces

+ M93 (3-Colour Desert) [rhsgref_uniform_3color_desert]

+ ALICE Webbing [rhsgref_alice_webbing]

+ TT-33 pistol [rhs_weap_tt33 / rhs_mag_762x25_8]

+ Sa vz. 58 rifles [rhs_weap_savz58p_black / rhs_weap_savz58p / rhs_weap_savz58p_rail / rhs_weap_savz58p_rail_black / rhs_weap_savz58v / rhs_weap_savz58v_black / rhs_weap_savz58v_rail / rhs_weap_savz58v_rail_black / rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm_Savz58 / rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm_Savz58_tracer]

+ The Fugly Mosin [rhs_weap_mosin_sbr / rhsgref_5Rnd_762x54_m38]

+ IZh-18 12 [rhs_weap_Izh18 / rhsgref_1Rnd_00Buck / rhsgref_1Rnd_Slug]

+ The ALICE Backpack [rhsgref_hidf_alicepack]

+ PASGT helmet (3-Colour Desert) [rhsgref_helmet_pasgt_3color_desert / rhsgref_helmet_pasgt_3color_desert_rhino]



Serbian Armed Forces

+ Mig-29 Pilot Overalls [rhssaf_uniform_mig29_pilot]


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just downloaded ant tested the new rhs oppdate it seams like some of the russian equipment (helmets in particular) are bugged can you confirme the problem or is it only on my side. the helmets affected are the 6b26 down to6b28 flora (filter used was sorted by mod)



oppdate dirsegard this post just redownloaded it and it works fine now

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5 minutes ago, Amentes said:

I wonder if this spells the end of fhq_accessories and tf47_launchers? :)


Well with the addition of the MAAWs from the second coming of Christ group that is RHS, I could say that we have no use for TF47 anymore. She had a good run but we must lay the old girl to rest. *sad music*


fhq_accessories could probably go as well, I don't really use them anyway but I know others do so it might take a little persuading but with RHS and Vanilla alone I'd say we're plentiful on weapon accessories such as scopes, PEQ boxes and grips.

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6 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

FHQ has the only acog *that I could find* that is both compatible with NVGs and doesn't use ace zeroing.  And it has the best looking scopes we currently have imo.


RHS ACOG's work fine with NVGs, turn on 3D in the RHS options.


1. It makes the scope more realistic to look through.

2. Unlike most 2D scopes, this will allow NVG operation.

3. The ACOG in RHS imo is the best looking ACOG there is. I believe the FHQ and BAF ones to be too flat and dull in texture and look like they were rushed or ported directly from ArmA 2 like a CUP knockoff.

4. RHS ACOG shouldn't use ace zeroing, I've never had that issue before and it doesn't take a mastermind to know that an ACOG doesn't need zeroing. We had ACOG zeroing in the Gamenight yesterday however I just left the zeroing at 0 and was capable of hitting targets upwards of 700-800m with the M4 which can be proved in my footage from that Gamenight should I be able to actually compress and upload it any time soon.


To each their own though, people have different opinions and preferences on weapon attachments and I do know that FHQ has some stuff we do not have anywhere else, but I believe there's always better alternatives in Vanilla or RHS but that is just my opinion.

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I wonder if this spells the end of fhq_accessories and tf47_launchers? [emoji4]
I'm sure this will be looked into once we have had chance to test the maaws though Stan does have a good point about acogs in fhq.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.

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36 minutes ago, GhostDragon said:

I'm sure this will be looked into once we have had chance to test the maaws

The MAAWs works great, no problem at all, sounds orgasmic.


37 minutes ago, GhostDragon said:

Stan does have a good point about acogs in fhq

I agree with Mini, you don't need to zero ACOGs, they work fine. The RHS ACOGs are zeroed to 100m because the very top of the arrowhead is 100m @Stanhope, therefore no zeroing is required.

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I agree with Mini, you don't need to zero ACOGs, they work fine. The RHS ACOGs are zeroed to 100m because the very top of the arrowhead is 100m [mention=5477]Stanhope[/mention], therefore no zeroing is required.
Agreed about the zeroing though the NVG capabilities of them are good in low light

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.

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1 hour ago, GhostDragon said:

the NVG capabilities of them are good in low light

Well, as Mini stated, if someone wanted to use the ACOG desperately during a night mission, setting the opctic to 3D is certainly viable. Additionally, the common ACOG scope isn't actually compatible with night vision goggles in real life, so this would bring nice use to actual NVG and thermal sights, and yes, I said thermal sights, but fear not, RHS actually make realistic, balanced, non-2035-tech thermals.


But if BAF stays none of that matters since people can always resort to those optics.

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Well, as Mini stated, if someone wanted to use the ACOG desperately during a night mission, setting the opctic to 3D is certainly viable. Additionally, the common ACOG scope isn't actually compatible with night vision goggles in real life, so this would bring nice use to actual NVG and thermal sights, and yes, I said thermal sights, but fear not, RHS actually make realistic, balanced, non-2035-tech thermals.
But if BAF stays none of that matters since people can always resort to those optics.
The baf scopes don't support thermal apart from the dedicated night optics and it maybe something to look into

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.

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3 hours ago, GhostDragon said:

The baf scopes don't support thermal apart from the dedicated night optics and it maybe something to look into

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.

I believe he meant that if FHQ goes, people can still resort to BAF for use of an ACOG scope.


In the end, a nice thing about the RHS scopes is that they can be altered in the options for use of 2D, PIP and 3D.


2D is much like you're BAF ACOG's, useful for magnification but prevents NVG use in night time operations.

PIP is, well, to be honest not brilliant but if you want a mix between 2D and 3D (I believe NVG works with PIP) then go for it.

3D is great because the magnification still works yet the ACOG works much like the Vanilla RCO, so without using ArmA 3's super human squinting while looking through the scope, you can use it as an impromptu reflex sight. The NVG capability also works with this version and the inbuilt zeroing lines of the scope will work just fine as you see with the 2D, though they are more difficult to see.

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On 10/1/2017 at 6:38 AM, Minipily said:

the arsenal could use a good clean up and I'm all for variety if it is correct variety. (AKA: More Pilot Helmet variants rather than more random civilian hat variants etc etc

Couldn't agree more with this, the arsenal could really use a fresh start. If @Ryko wants to do this we would love to provide any assistance or opinions, since we are the ones saying it needs a tidy.

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24 minutes ago, J0hnson said:

Couldn't agree more with this, the arsenal could really use a fresh start. If @Ryko wants to do this we would love to provide any assistance or opinions, since we are the ones saying it needs a tidy.

On 1-10-2017 at 7:38 AM, Minipily said:

the arsenal could use a good clean up and I'm all for variety if it is correct variety. (AKA: More Pilot Helmet variants rather than more random civilian hat variants etc etc


You guys could always just take it upon yourself to rewrite it and then put your rewritten version in the mod/map&feature request box.  
The files you need to change (if i didn't miss any):
xla_va.sqf (Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Stanhope\missions\STILETTO_MALDEN_01_017.Malden\)
VA_west_local.sqf (Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Stanhope\missions\STILETTO_MALDEN_01_017.Malden\scripts\arsenal\)

VA_east_local.sqf (Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Stanhope\missions\STILETTO_MALDEN_01_017.Malden\scripts\arsenal\)

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