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Stiletto Feedback Thread

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Version 062 of Stiletto is now on the server.
Small update release: added a command in mission control to remove fog (it's a button on the right side), a fix for the jammer mission, and forward compatibility for RHS in the arsenal.

Excellent, a fog killer button, thank you. Now, it may be me but on the second part of the find downed helicopter crash site mission, which is the find and rescue the 2 pilots from a local village mission, on the 3 occasions I have tried this I have never found the 2 pilots. I am fairly positive as I scoured the area for at least an hour and never saw any trace. Not even AI or any locals. So is this a bug or is it my ineptitude?

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Feature request:  Preview vehicle.

It was previously removed because vehicles would blow up because the vehicle created locally still existed when the actual one was spawned in.  So I've fixed that:


In \scripts\vehicle\vehiclespawn.sqf insert the following code after line 70:

_previewVehicle = _vehicle createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
_previewVehicle setPosASL [20,0,5];
_previewVehicle enableSimulation false;

_cam = "camera" camCreate (position _previewVehicle);
_cam cameraEffect ["internal", "BACK"];
_cam camSetTarget _previewVehicle;
_cam camSetRelPos [4,4,3];
_cam camCommit 0;

_confirm = [format ['%1 - is this the vehicle you wish to spawn? If you spawn this vehicle there will be %2 vehicle resource points remaining.', getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicle >> "displayName"), vehiclePoints - _pointCost], 'Confirm Spawned Vehicle', nil, true] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
_cam cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camDestroy _cam;
deleteVehicle _previewVehicle;
if !( _confirm ) exitWith { hint "Spawn cancelled."; };

Replacing the existing 2 lines for the confirm message.


With this code the preview vehicle will be created at [20,0,5] and the player will be shown this vehicle while the confirmation message is displayed.  I'd share a video about it but craptop ...


(Tested on a locally hosted server with 1 player, not a dedicated server)

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I may have found a bug with the find and destroy weapons cache. I like located the cache, it was a small crate not the arsenal type. It was too heavy to drag or carry out of the 1st floor of the building so I planted 2 charges and blew them. The building collapsed and the crate ended up in the street. I planted another charge and that didn’t work either. So I loaded it o to a truck and took it to a safe area, re-spawned and planted 3 more charges onto it and blew them. Still no good. Re spawned again and planted 3 more charges and as I was arming them the crate took off vertically and started to whistle then the mission complete tag came up.

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I still cant get on with Enhanced soundscape is there a new version or is it the same as before? [mention=4388]GhostDragon[/mention]
Will investigate tomorrow, not going to be home till late tonight. Could you send over through pm what version you are trying to use please!
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