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AhoyWorld EU Server now 1st!


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Hey there AhoyWorld Community,


As the title above says it all, I am proud to announce that the EU (Europe) AhoyWorld Server is now the top server in ArmA 3!


I would like to congratulate the development team for making an amazing mission for tons of people to enjoy!


It's an honour to be in one of the best ArmA 3 Server AND Community.


(and now I have no idea what else to say...)


oh yeah, ever since I joined on March 12th, it's been lovely to see the server grow in popularity, complexity, and players absolutely love Invade & Annex. I will be here to help nurture the great server and community it has become.


This is an awesome milestone for AhoyWorld! Great memories have been made, and more great memories to come!



- R. Berezon


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AWESOME!! A big thanks to Rarek for putting forth the time and effort for his constant updates and fixes to the mission to make this even possible for success. if we didn't have such a caring and intelligent person such as him, who knows what ARMA 3 could have ended up like.


That being said, It's nice to see this server / mission to rise up and show them what ARMA 3 is really about. 

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Moved this to the News & Events forum and slammed it on our Facebook page.



'tis also worth mentioning that, on top of this blinding success, we've also now reached over 20,000 hours played by players in our EU server. That's 2.3 years!
It's fantastic to see all my hard work result in so many people enjoying their ArmA experience. 
Thanks for the homage, Repeatz. :) I'm going to do the same thing for all of you who play with us, administrate our servers and take part in the community; it's because of you fellas that this has gotten as big as it has and I hope you all stick with us now and in the future.
This is exactly what I had hoped Ahoy World would become and, though I created the place, I am wholly and absolutely honoured to be a part of it.
Good work, fellas. We've reached infinity; now to head for the beyond.
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