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Incentive to be revived?





    As you may be able to tell from my picture, i'm a combat medic, and sadly I find the current medical system on EU1 and EU2 to be mediocre at best. What I mean by this is that there is no real incentive to stay on the death screen and wait for a medic to revive you. Because of thought process "Awww shucks I died, welp, i'lll hop on the next helo out instead of wait for a medic!" this frustrates me when a squad mate dies next to me and in the middle of reviving him he disappears. This can be especially frustrating when it is a VIP such as your squad leader or AT soldier. I understand that a simple helo ride and maybe a 1km walk is punishment enough for not waiting but I fell obsolete out there in the field, just twiddling my thumbs, hoping I don't get shot. I would like to see some form of real reason to stick around and wait for that medic to bring you back. I understand that this is a pub, casual server but I feel as the playerbase has adapted a mentality of respawning as soon as humanly possible and some times that can screw over the rest of your squad. 


Do any of you guys have any ideas on how to incentive waiting for a medic to revive you/make the medic a more valued class?


Thanks, Doc

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I feel your pain, I used to be primarily a medic, though my gripe came from the change/nerf to the revive system where a lot more instakills happened.


You'll find there are a lot of people who don't know they even can be rievived and automatically hit respawn. Others see no medic is close by and respawn, some will see a medic 300m away and then see that distance meter not move at all, or start counting upwards and realise they are not getting revived, which can make them jaded.


The removal of being able to call for a medic when down has also meant people have no way of knowing if that medic even knows they are down.


So to help you can..

  • tell the downed soldier you are on your way.
  • always try to make some effort to head towards a downed soldier so they see the distance closing and feel you are trying to get there.
  • keep them updated, let them know you've stalled due to a tonk or something.
    • Unfortunately if you go down on the way to help, you wont then be able to update them you're incapacitated (see below)

AW hopefully can...

  • Re add chat when down (consider it the injured guy radioing for help).
  • remove instakills even from tanks etc (no its not realistic but its more fun).
    • If people know they dont die instantly it will catch on to hang around for a medic
  • add clearer markers for downed soldiers (currently purple same as unidentified AI).
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the mission parameter allows for gradual adjustment of lethal damage (in factors of "vanilla death damages") currently it's 3.

another tweakable value is the respawn delay which has been set to 10 seconds (i think it was 3). although that applies in both cases of death and manual respawn.


further variations:

  • respawn could be inhibited in the first minute of inconsciousness
  • linking the bleedout timer with the respawn delay (the respawn delay would be i.e. 30% of the remaining bleedout time) so the longer you wait the faster you respawn

but rewarding people for staying dead, or punishing them for respawns could cause collateral effects to playerbase/style.


interestingly, medic slots are still pretty high in demand and get picked out among the first.


PS sometimes i got a bug where the timer runs faster than normal (around 3 times), leaving no real option of waiting for help. plus i get the feeling the bug when you cannot move after respawning occurs more often when the timer runs out.

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Yeah there is also the bug where you can't revive a downed person occasionally, the option just doesn't show up.


Medic slots are desirable, probably goes sniper->marksman->medic->AT (ignoring pilot as it's a non combat role), but that doesn't mean others desire their help, just that people want to be them; which is Doc's concern.


Some also choose medic as they can heal themselves to full health without worrying about depleting FAKs (though youd need to carry 10 Faks to weigh as much as one medkit). Making them a self healing infantryman.

I don't think you should penalise people for respawning, would just annoy on a public server.

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13 hours ago, Doc said:

i'm a combat medic,


I am also a conscript combat medic.


13 hours ago, Doc said:

sadly I find the current medical system on EU1 and EU2 to be mediocre at best. What I mean by this is that there is no real incentive to stay on the death screen and wait for a medic to revive you. Because of thought process "Awww shucks I died, welp, i'lll hop on the next helo out instead of wait for a medic!" this frustrates me when a squad mate dies next to me and in the middle of reviving him he disappears.


Combat Life Saver used to be one of my classes in my early days in AW. The old revive system was the best. Now, it's gone... It's gone... The advanced damage system is too much to comprehend for public players and revive bug still haunts us. We need to get the Norris revive system back which is has been working until now. People get tired when I keep telling them I want my revivable Medical HEMTT back so that I can be an AT-Medic on wheels.



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2 hours ago, Norris said:

Hey maybe implement the system of ANY player is ABLE to STABILZE the downed player so that the medic has more time to get there. just a thought


There is already a huge timer, not really needed. I've never know someone to wait to bleed out in a very long time, after about a minute they just respawn. Can't say this would be an incentive to not respawn it'd just waste a lot of field troops FAKs.

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1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

I've never know someone to wait to bleed out in a very long time, after about a minute they just respawn.


great way to "adjust" this is nice 1min long BLACK SCREEN with a simple message saying WAIT FOR A MEDIC TO TREAT YOU TO AVOID THIS MESSAGE ...

Worked before (A2) but it gives a hard time when your only solution is to respawn as no medic is near/playing.

Combined with this:


1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

They just need to remove the option to use a FAK on a downed player if not a medic to remove that confusion.








On 20.4.2017 at 0:16 PM, radek said:

the mission parameter allows for gradual adjustment of lethal damage


you know,i´d like to hear alot more comments by the maker(s) of the actual medic system as we can barely guess the limits and possibilites it offers.

therefor its hard to vouch for changes,as you cant be really specific with change/adjustment ideas

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