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ARMA 3 DLC Bundle 2 Anybody?


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It's a high price for DLC but it should be worth it, I'll hold off buying it until the jets DLC is closer to release, in case any cheaper options pop-up.

Although I wouldn't expect to get much use of the new jets in I&A as they seem very powerful.

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20 hours ago, Jason. said:

It's a high price for DLC but it should be worth it, I'll hold off buying it until the jets DLC is closer to release, in case any cheaper options pop-up.

Although I wouldn't expect to get much use of the new jets in I&A as they seem very powerful.

It is quite steep for a potentially 3 jets and 3 tanks but think about the mods that people will work on these.



20 hours ago, Amentes said:

With over 3000 hours in ArmA 3 alone, it's only fair that I support the dev by buying the DLCs.

Nice one!

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  • Arma 3 Jets (est. May 2017*)
    I can't fly jets for sh*t, so has limited interest for me :P
  • Arma 3 "Orange" (working title) (est. Q3 2017*)
    Cryptic description is cryptic. <_<
  • Arma 3 Tac-Ops (est. Q4 2017*)
    "The Arma 3 Tac-Ops DLC will deliver new singleplayer scenarios" - Does not compute :blink:
  • Arma 3 Tanks (est. Q1 2018*)
    Rarely use tanks, a good tank needs a good crew, and I am but one person and have no friends. :(

That said I'll buy them once they are a good price, or just because I like to support the devs, but it won't be until the first or possibly second one drops.

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ArmA 3 Jets - The Jets look pretty interesting, it's great to get actual fighter jets in Vanilla to hold the fight in the skies and the radar will be a welcome addition. The Stealth Drone also looks rather interesting and will be interesting with the new radar. My only gripe is I wish they weren't relying on mod models for these ones, they are heavily inherited from them but it's 2035, no surprise that NATO is using a F22. Another thing i'm gunna love is flying at night time without NVG's and relying on the radar.


ArmA 3 Tanks - No surprise that I myself look forward to the tank DLC's, a good combined arms battle really gets the blood flowing for me. Some new tanks and hopefully damage and ballistics changes will be very welcome for Vanilla.


ArmA 3 Orange... Agent Orange... CSAT... Hmmmm...


ArmA 3 Tac Ops = Muh suppressors and beards.


Arma 3 Malden - Looks interesting, always like a good BIS map! Hopefully this one actually gets used though... RIP Tanoa.


Also, I believe we will be getting an aircraft carrier which will be interesting, I say this because one of the guys is quite clearly doing aircraft carrier deck crew hand gestures and one of the jets has a tail hook. So, that'll be interesting.

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