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Mobile site bugged


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Since there is no longer a "report bug" area that I can find, I thought I would post this here.


The mobile version of the site is unusable since the change it aesthetics and layout. Buttons cannot be clicked and none of the text is easily readable as it all gets formatted very strangely.

I use the mobile site all the time when I cannot get to my PC so this is important for me :)


Bug reported :D

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Has anyone else noticed that the view new content button returns no info on the splash page ? It simply returns the following :

Sorry, no new content found.Sorry, no new content found.


If you press the forum tab button and then view new content it works and shows all the new posts since my last visit.

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The mobile version of the site is unusable since the change it aesthetics and layout. Buttons cannot be clicked and none of the text is easily readable as it all gets formatted very strangely.


Roger. I'll spend some time tonight having a look at it; I've probably just over-written something important as I tend to not look at the mobile site too much. :)


Has anyone else noticed that the view new content button returns no info on the splash page ?


Good spot. Fixed.

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Erm it seems broke again :unsure: Splash screen shows loads of recent topics by Rarek but nothing in view new content.


Might just be the way in which the posts are created (via an RSS feed from our Bitbucket site).

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