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Hello, I forgot how old I am...27? I was born in 1986 :) 


I come from Norway, and I live here as well. More specifically in Trondheim at the moment, where I work as a systems consultant (IT). I've lived here for 10 years, and worked in IT for 5. I specialize in Terminal Services and MSSQL (DBA).


Me, my GF (23) and Zelda (3) live in own our own 86 sqm appartment in the city, where she works for an Apple retailer, and I for Dustins recently acquired sales and consulting division in Norway.


In my spare time I usually play PC-games or Fifa (hate it) on my PS3. During spring and summer I dwell with weapons such as rifles, shotguns and sometimes small arms, the latter I only lend at clubs and use in indoor firing ranges. I haven't used my guns much for hunting, mostly range and clay pigeon shooting, but I aim to go on a real hunting trip this fall. I currently own these:

  • Tikka T3 Lite 30-06 caliber (moose)
  • Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun (predator)
  • Marlin 336 lever action 30-30 caliber (deer)


My little family :)



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Welcome to Ahoy World, Apollo!


Good to see you come and register on the site; I was wondering when you would! :D

As Proxima said, nice little family you have there. I am horrendously jealous of your dog's name.

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