XFIREARMY Posted January 28, 2017 Share Posted January 28, 2017 Help me with Side Mission Convoy Supply Please. When Complete this Side Mission. Other Side mission Don't Spawn Loop Here This .Sqf What Wrong? Quote /* Author: superogira Last modified: 1/06/2016 Description: Send Supply to Camp ____________________________________*/ private ["_flatPos","_accepted","_position","_carDir","_fuzzyPos","_flatPos2","_accepted2","_position2"]; //-------------------- FIND POSITION FOR OBJECTIVE sleep 15; _flatPos = [0,0,0]; _accepted = false; while {!_accepted} do { _position = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _flatPos = _position isFlatEmpty[12, 1, 0.3, 10, 0, false]; while {(count _flatPos) < 2} do { _position = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _flatPos = _position isFlatEmpty[12, 1, 0.3, 10, 0, false]; }; if ((_flatPos distance (getMarkerPos currentAO)) > 1500) then { _accepted = true; }; }; //-------------------- SPAWN OBJECTIVE waitUntil {_accepted}; _carDir = random 360; // supplycar = ["B_Truck_01_ammo_F","B_Truck_01_box_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_medical_F","B_Truck_01_Repair_F","CUP_B_Ural_Reammo_CDF","CUP_B_Ural_Refuel_CDF","CUP_B_Ural_Repair_CDF","B_G_Van_01_fuel_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; supplycar = ["B_Truck_01_ammo_F","B_Truck_01_box_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_medical_F","B_Truck_01_Repair_F","B_G_Van_01_fuel_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; supplycar lock 0; supplycar setVectorUp [0,0,1]; supplycar setDir _carDir; alive supplycar; _carDir = random 360; //protectcar = ["CUP_B_UAZ_AGS30_CDF","CUP_B_UAZ_MG_CDF","CUP_B_Dingo_GL_CZ_Wdl","CUP_B_Dingo_CZ_Wdl","CUP_B_LR_Special_CZ_W","CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_W","CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_W","CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W","CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W","CUP_B_HMMWV_M2_USMC","CUP_B_HMMWV_M1114_USMC","CUP_B_HMMWV_MK19_USMC","CUP_B_RG31_M2_OD_USMC","CUP_B_RG31_Mk19_OD_USMC"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; protectcar = ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_LSV_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; protectcar lock 0; protectcar setVectorUp [0,0,1]; protectcar setDir _carDir; _carDir = random 360; // protectcar = ["CUP_B_UAZ_AGS30_CDF","CUP_B_UAZ_MG_CDF","CUP_B_Dingo_GL_CZ_Wdl","CUP_B_Dingo_CZ_Wdl","CUP_B_LR_Special_CZ_W","CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_W","CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_W","CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W","CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W","CUP_B_HMMWV_M2_USMC","CUP_B_HMMWV_M1114_USMC","CUP_B_HMMWV_MK19_USMC","CUP_B_RG31_M2_OD_USMC","CUP_B_RG31_Mk19_OD_USMC"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; protectcar = ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_LSV_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle _flatPos; protectcar lock 0; protectcar setVectorUp [0,0,1]; protectcar setDir _carDir; //-------------------- SPAWN BRIEFING _flatPos2 = [0,0,0]; _accepted2 = false; while {!_accepted2} do { _position2 = [[[_flatPos, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _flatPos2 = _position2 isFlatEmpty[10, 1, 0.3, 10, 0, false]; while {(count _flatPos2) < 2} do { _position2 = [[[_flatPos, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _flatPos2 = _position2 isFlatEmpty[10, 1, 0.3, 10, 0, false]; }; if ((_flatPos2 distance _flatPos) > 2000 && (_flatPos2 distance (getMarkerPos currentAO)) > 1500) then { _accepted2 = true; }; }; waitUntil {_accepted2}; campobject1 = "Land_CampingChair_V2_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject1 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject2 = "Land_CampingTable_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject2 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject3 = "Land_ChairPlastic_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject3 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject4 = "Land_CampingChair_V1_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject4 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject5 = "Campfire_burning_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject5 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject6 = "Land_TentDome_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject6 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject7 = "Land_TentA_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject7 setDir _campobjectDir; campobject8 = "CamoNet_BLUFOR_F" createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 20),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 20)]; _campobjectDir = random 360; campobject8 setDir _campobjectDir; carcamp = ["B_Truck_01_ammo_F","B_Truck_01_box_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_medical_F","B_Truck_01_Repair_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 30),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 30)]; //"CUP_B_Ural_Reammo_CDF","CUP_B_Ural_Refuel_CDF","CUP_B_Ural_Repair_CDF","B_G_Van_01_fuel_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom createVehicle [(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 30),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 30)]; carcamp setVectorUp [0,0,1]; _supplycarDir = random 360; carcamp setDir _supplycarDir; // _campArray = [_flatPos2] call QS_fnc_smcamp; _campArray = [grpNull]; _campgroup = createGroup west; _campman1 = "B_Soldier_SL_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; _campman2 = "B_HeavyGunner_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; _campman3 = "B_ghillie_lsh_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; _campman4 = "B_Recon_Sharpshooter_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; _campman5 = "B_recon_M_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; _campman6 = "B_soldier_AT_F" createUnit [[(_flatPos2 select 0) + (random 50),(_flatPos2 select 1) + (random 50)],_campgroup]; [_campgroup,_flatPos2] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend; _campArray = _campArray + [_campgroup]; "object" setMarkerPos _flatPos; "object" setMarkerText "Supply"; "areatargetmarker" setMarkerPos _flatPos2; "areatarget" setMarkerPos _flatPos2; sideMarkerText = "Send Supply to Camp"; "areatargetmarker" setMarkerText "Side Mission: Send supply to Camp."; _briefing = "<img size='17' image='media\images\notificons\supply.jpg'/><br/><t align='center'><t size='2.2'>New Side Mission</t><br/><t size='1.5' color='#00B2EE'>Send supply to Camp</t><br/>____________________<br/>Delivery supply to camp</t>"; [_briefing] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalHint",0,false]; ["NewSideMission", "Send Supply to Camp"] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalNotification",0,false]; sideMarkerText = "Send Supply to Camp"; //-------------------- [ CORE LOOPS ] sideMissionUp = true; SM_SUCCESS = false; SM_FAIL = false; distance1 = true; while {distance1} do { if ((supplycar distance _flatPos2) < 2000) then {distance1 = false; enemy1 = true;}; sleep 0.5; if (!alive supplycar) exitWith { sideMissionUp = false; supplycarfail = "Send supply failed!!!"; hqSideChat = supplycarfail; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintFAIL; sleep 120; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; }; sleep 0.5; "object" setMarkerPos (getpos supplycar); sleep 0.5; }; waitUntil {(supplycar distance _flatPos2) < (2000 - random 500)}; if (!alive supplycar) exitWith { sideMissionUp = false; supplycarfail = "Send supply failed!!!"; hqSideChat = supplycarfail; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintFAIL; sleep 120; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; }; sleep 0.5; "object" setMarkerPos (getpos supplycar); _enemiesArray = [supplycar] call QS_fnc_smsupply; while {enemy1} do { publicVariable "sidepatrolGroup"; sidepatrolGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; // publicVariable "sidemrapGroup"; sidemrapGroup move getpos supplycar; // sleep 1; publicVariable "sidevehGroup"; sidevehGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; if ((supplycar distance _flatPos2) < 1000) then {enemy1 = false;}; sleep 0.5; if (!alive supplycar) exitWith { sideMissionUp = false; supplycarfail = "Send supply failed!!!"; hqSideChat = supplycarfail; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintFAIL; sleep 120; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_enemiesArray,_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; }; sleep 0.5; "object" setMarkerPos (getpos supplycar); sleep 0.5; }; waitUntil {(supplycar distance _flatPos2) < (1000 - random 500)}; sleep 0.5; if (!alive supplycar) exitWith { sideMissionUp = false; supplycarfail = "Send supply failed!!!"; hqSideChat = supplycarfail; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintFAIL; sleep 120; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_enemiesArray,_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; }; sleep 0.5; "object" setMarkerPos (getpos supplycar); _enemiesArray2 = [supplycar] call QS_fnc_smsupply2; enemy2 = true; while {enemy2} do { publicVariable "sidepatrolGroup"; sidepatrolGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; // publicVariable "sidemrapGroup"; sidemrapGroup move getpos supplycar; // sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidevehGroup"; sidevehGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidepatrolGroup2"; sidepatrolGroup2 move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; // publicVariable "sidemrapGroup2"; sidemrapGroup move getpos supplycar; // sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidevehGroup2"; sidevehGroup2 move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; if ((supplycar distance _flatPos2) < 25) then {enemy2 = false;}; sleep 0.5; if (!alive supplycar) exitWith { supplycarfail = "Send supply failed!!!"; hqSideChat = supplycarfail; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; sideMissionUp = false; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintFAIL; sleep 120; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_enemiesArray,_enemiesArray2,_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; }; sleep 0.5; "object" setMarkerPos (getpos supplycar); sleep 0.5; }; while {sideMissionUp} do { publicVariable "sidepatrolGroup"; sidepatrolGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; // publicVariable "sidemrapGroup"; sidemrapGroup move getpos supplycar; // sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidevehGroup"; sidevehGroup move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidepatrolGroup2"; sidepatrolGroup2 move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; // publicVariable "sidemrapGroup2"; sidemrapGroup move getpos supplycar; // sleep 0.5; publicVariable "sidevehGroup2"; sidevehGroup2 move getpos supplycar; sleep 0.5; if ((supplycar distance _flatPos2) < 25) then {SM_SUCCESS = true;}; sleep 0.5; if (SM_SUCCESS) exitWith { supplycarsuccess = "Send Supply success!"; hqSideChat = supplycarsuccess; [hqSideChat] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalSideChat",0,false]; ["CompletedSub", "Send Supply success."] remoteExec ["AW_fnc_globalNotification",0,false]; sleep 5; [] spawn QS_fnc_SMhintSUCCESS; sideMissionUp = false; { _x setMarkerPos [-5500,-5500,-5500]; } forEach ["areatargetmarker", "areatarget","object"]; sleep 120; //[_enemiesArray,_enemiesArray2] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete; {[_x] spawn QS_fnc_SMdelete;} forEach [_enemiesArray,_enemiesArray2,_campArray]; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar,campobject1,campobject2,campobject3,campobject4,campobject5,campobject6,campobject7,campobject8,carcamp]; //{ deleteVehicle _x } forEach [supplycar]; }; sleep 1; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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