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ahoi There o/


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Thought id register and say hi.

Joined the ahoy arma 3 server and got talking to a few members, so decided to join the team speak and from there its been a nice atmosphere with some good co-operation. 


Not much really to say about me, im 19 .. live in Essex, UK (no .. not the typical TOWIE if thats what you thought), graduated from college and got a job working as a software developer for HMRC while studying for technical qualifications.


Im generally on everyday and play a mix of games depending on what takes my fancy however based on how well the alpha is going for arma 3, i feel that this may be taking a lot of my time.


I currently play EVE Online and Tera Online which drains my wallet buy completely worth it.. if you don't know them .. i recon you should try it out!. I ran an alliance on eve of about 60 people which went well until ... goonswarm happened ... google it. I ran a gaming community of  roughly 100 people that was really good and resulted in many good times seeing as communities are always the heart of fun games.

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