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Object drawing distance keeps getting set to zero


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I really hope someone can help me


I have an issue were when I spawn I see zero objects.

When I check my settings ( which I set to high) it has changed to custom settings and shows Object drawing distance as zero.

If I manually change this or change back to a high/standard/low setting etc it fixes the issue..

But then when I respawn again or when getting out of vehicles it occurs again...

I cant play until I get this fixed.


I have tested with no mods running and also validated my game cache and reinstalled Arma 3.

I am out of options.

I create an account on BI Forum but I see no option to create a new topic their...


I do not have the issue with singlePlayer or missions that I have created myself.

Seems to be only an issue on AhoyWorld.


Any help is appreciated.



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What server are you playing? If you are playing in EU3 there is an option when you scroll wheel where you can change the draw distance. It might be at 0. I had this problem a while ago and I don't know how it happened and every time I spawned I couldn't see a thing. Try changing it there. If you are not playing EU3 I don't know if in EU1 or 2 there is that option. If not I'm sorry I can't help you :( .


Good luck! :D

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@Ryko: I don't understand how will that solve his problem.



@KevinJoy: I&A3 mission uses CH view distance script . The script remembers your last setting for a given server (it saves it with a mission file). You can change settings at main base at arsenal guys. Scroll down and open view distance script dialog and change your settings to whatever suits you. You probably set it to 0 by accident or somebody in your house is trolling you :)

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You're right about CHVD, and if he's playing on the Ahoyworld servers, that's the correct fix.  If he's playing somewhere where a view distance script is not running, then Arma governs view distance by itself, and object rendering is done very conservatively.  Setting the graphics quality to Ultra will bump up the object rendering distance.

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