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Radio Channel configuration

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[just posting as a new topic by ryko sugestion]


In busy hours what usually happens is Alpha is full + 1 support (MAT usually) + 1 Vortex, but during the mission Bravo starts to fill up + another Vortex + others and its not ease to be under fire and keep alpha moving on the ground and re-plan what the other squad/teams will do.


And that's where the additional channel radios come handy (if everything is already preset) and since we can have preset radio channels, why not have:

Default Alpha: 50

Default Alpha adicional: 50.1 (ASL + team leaders will have that preset in their 152's), even with only Alpha team full this can get handy.

When things get messy in the radios, ASL can simply order TL to start using the adicional 51 freq and ASL will switch to another channel (e.g. command)


That way if TL are out of contact, ASL can switch back to 50 and still be able to command the squad.

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Even though additional channels will probably help, the issue comes from the fact that ASL is played as both SL and CMD role at the same time. SL should only be responsible for his 2 fireteams (unless CMD is KIA), not Alpha+Bravo+Vortex+MAT+whatever extra team is there. Command role exists for a reason and that is to coordinate the different assets available.


It may be due to how role selection is handled right now, but unfortunately I don't have any potential solutions to propose...

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Ghost is absolutely right. It however, requires two things to work smoothly and to setup in a rather speedy fashion - teamleaders experienced with this. It's not hard to explain and execute, but it can take a couple minutes. It took me a couple minutes the first time I was learning how to do it.

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1 hour ago, Colsta said:

Ghost is absolutely right. It however, requires two things to work smoothly and to setup in a rather speedy fashion - teamleaders experienced with this. It's not hard to explain and execute, but it can take a couple minutes. It took me a couple minutes the first time I was learning how to do it.


That's where the preset radios come into the equation and only need TL to know what button to push :)

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