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Everytime with these introductions...

Heya, MDWong here, likes the age 22 and cats, but anyway... Looking for a new place to hang with cool people and Arma and all that jazz. Been on the Invade and Annex EU#1 and EU#2 a few times, so you guys seems to have your shit in order. Hopefully that EU#3 server is good, if Im allowed in there this soon. Theres a lot of people on TS3 so I might just end up sitting and waiting for a bus or something most of the time in the beginning.

So yea, hey!

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10 minutes ago, Colsta said:

Welcome. EU#3 is a public server. As @Gamerbug mentioned, you only need the right mods. If you don't know how to use them, give a Field Ambassador, Veteran or someone on EU3 on TS a poke.

EU#3 mods using the ArmA3Sync guide?

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Hi and welcome!


EU #3 is public indeed.

So join whenever you want, all you need is the right mods.


Which if you haven't already you can all get through here:



Have a nice stay at Ahoyworld and I'll see you on the battlefield!


-Taxi Thomas

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