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OPERATION BLACK DAGGER: Arma EU3 Co-Op/PVP Game Night: Thursday July 28, 1900 GMT (1500 EST)

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When: Thursday July 28, 1900 GMT (1500 EST)

Server Opens 15 minutes before


Mods: Standard EU3

Player Count: 40 slots available

First person lock: YES

Loadouts: Pre-set

Mission Length: 2 rounds at 60 min max


JIP: Spectators only YES



The Israeli Defense Force has decided to send a special force to mount an assault on the insurgent forces in Zargabad: under cover of darkness, the IDF has several objectives to accomplish in a tight time line.


This game night will be a little different, in that you start as BLUFOR, with all the technical advantages: night vision goggles, radios, silenced modern weapons, etc; if you die, you'll respawn as the Zargabad insurgent OPFOR.


BLUFOR wins if it can accomplish 3 out of 5 possible objectives within 60 minutes.

OPFOR wins if all BLUFOR members are killed, or time runs out before 3 objectives are completed.


Questions, comments, clarifications, in this thread!


- R

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You're free to sign up for any slot you like.  For limited slots (like snipers, etc) it's usually assigned either on a first-come, first-served basis, or by selection of the Platoon Commander.

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That was a blast.  I look forward to the next one!


Some highlights from my perspective (forgot to enable my local microphone record, so you won't hear me talking):



Changes to the next version:


- A1, B1, C1 Team Leaders will become squad leaders

- Darter will turn into an unarmed greyhawk

- reduce the number of civilian vehicles and civilians

- fix tasks and scenario completion parameters

- remove ammo box after ten minutes so tricky opfor players won't scavenge radios from it

- opfor won't be allowed to dress in blufor uniforms

- remove kill feed (probably a server difficulty option)

- remove blufor tracking


Any other suggestions, comments, etc, please feel free to post!


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