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EU2 Annex&Invade Server Apex no "VAS"?


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yesterday I tested the Tanoa Island on your Annex & Invade EU2 Server and I just found out that I couldnt use the VAS and also couldnt take any weapon or ammo from the boxes so I had to steal from the fallen :P


is this normal or did I miss something? Now I always have to take on the right clothes and so on everytime i start the game.


Hope someone could help me :)



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Can you implement it temporarily while the Armory gets fixed, It's not just broken it is really broken.


- No Designator batteries, even for JTAC

- Ammo issue

- Saved Loadout's will randomly Grey out and become corrupt.

- Explosives tab is empty all the time for most classes

- Grenades tab only feature the grenades and chemlights you already carry.


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7 hours ago, CCUGhostJrDK said:

Can you implement it temporarily while the Armory gets fixed, It's not just broken it is really broken.


- No Designator batteries, even for JTAC

- Ammo issue

- Saved Loadout's will randomly Grey out and become corrupt.

- Explosives tab is empty all the time for most classes

- Grenades tab only feature the grenades and chemlights you already carry.



I will wait the time that is needed ;)


When i took some weapons from enemy soldiers I recognized, that I could take the ammo for my class in the Arsenal. Maybe thats a thing or workaround.

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The thread below is some similar discussion that you can read up on @B4rtlbi3 if you want some more background information :)

TL DR: it's "subject to change" according to whoever kept edits my thread title >_>'

However, according to what I've heard around the block, our Ahoyverlords have been meaning to get rid of it for a long time. 

Just use the Arsenal for now ^_^ Bacon worked really hard to balance it <3

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The last two days I played everthing was working fine! The Arsenal had all ammunition that my class needed and the loading and save function was working great! Very good work AhoyWorld Team :) its even better than VAS because your weapon attachements also loading with the saved classes!


Many thanks for that!



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