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Problems with my computer


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I think I know what is causing my problems with my computer but I just want some general input from you guys.


My family bought this computer 3 years ago to replace the old one we had and when we got it it worked fine. It could run games perfectly for long hours, I was even able to play planetside 2 for a few hours a day. But that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. 


The problem I'm having is that I can play ArmA 3 on standard settings for multiple hours at a time without it even showing signs of faltering,but last night I only got 60 minutes of EU2 in before my computer shut itself down. I looked inside the case and there is virtually no dust inside, and the fans are working spectacularly. I think it may be something to do with the power supply but if it did it to me while on EU2 why wouldn't it do it to me while just playing ArmA 3 in general? How could I remedy this situation?


Oh, and BTW, for those wondering this is the computer(if you can't open it I'll just post specs.



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Yes I am pretty sure it is the PC we bought because it has the exact same processor and GPU as listed by my computer and I've even opened it up and checked myself. I may have overestimated how long it's been, it feels like it's been three years but nevertheless it's still having troubles in which I don't think I've solved. I'm going to buy some compressed air soon to clean out the power supply as I don't think anyone's ever done that yet.

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lightweight, gets you basic temps for cpu and gpu



complex system diagnostic tool, there is some information only accessible if you buy it



lightweight, gives you readouts of most thermal sensors and fan speeds. Does also allow you to set custom fan speeds.



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3 hours ago, Eagle-Eye said:

If you have a second screen available (including LCD displays on keyboards like the G15), you can also use MSi Afterburner to check your CPU/GPU/RAM load, temps, fan RPM, ... while you play.

Sadly don't have the space on my computer desk to support two monitors so I can't really monitor it in game without playing it in windowed mode. I'm alright with that,though, so no real harm done. Thanks to everyone for helping and hopefully I'm able to figure this out before Operation Cross Comms!

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temperature issue man... look in front of fans for dust,cpu cooler in between the fins ,same on gpu if you have one.

recommending you buy yourself a bottle of air and give it a blow of all coolers . same as proper blow of psu  for inside of the case as well

also replacing the thermal paste after 3 years is highly recommended 

so roll you sleeves up and let us know how it looks after you have done it

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2 hours ago, Yarys said:

temperature issue man... look in front of fans for dust,cpu cooler in between the fins ,same on gpu if you have one.

recommending you buy yourself a bottle of air and give it a blow of all coolers . same as proper blow of psu  for inside of the case as well

also replacing the thermal paste after 3 years is highly recommended 

so roll you sleeves up and let us know how it looks after you have done it

If the store I went to carried some compressed air and thermal paste we'd be golden.I'm checking their inventory online and they don't have anything in stock. I'll just have to use amazon to get it. also,trying to find a brand for thermal paste.


I will post pictures once everything is done, that might be a while though.

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16 hours ago, GrievingGold said:

If the store I went to carried some compressed air and thermal paste we'd be golden.I'm checking their inventory online and they don't have anything in stock. I'll just have to use amazon to get it. also,trying to find a brand for thermal paste.


I will post pictures once everything is done, that might be a while though.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SHIN-ETSU-X23-7783D-2g-Tube-6-0-w-M-K-HIGH-QUALITY-THERMAL-PASTE-WITH-SPREADER-/172173189793?hash=item28165262a1:g:cb4AAOSw7ThUgcV1 this is good paste

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