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In-game name when banned: taKs

Why do you think you were banned? Ban message said "abuse taKa -zis" (my nick is taKs)
My guess is that i said about the AI mortar team "faggots got me"

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Besides calling NPCs names (which i won't do anymore in the future) I don't really know what I did wrong to received an instant ban without any message of explanation (abuse?) or warning

Which administrator banned you (if known): zis (?)

When were you banned: 03.07. ~22:00 CET

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I am always nice to people, in real live and in games. I read your your eExplorationand was baffeled. Well, as a non native english speaker i was curious Abort what got me banned, i have to admit that i just learned where "faggot" comes from (for me it was just another swear like anyone else)  and yes, i had no idea. Anyway, if theres an instant  ban i'd still say a bit of overreaction?  I mean like instant ban (no warning, no nothing) is still a bit harsh for a word that is so commonly used and sorry but me and my Frieds never knew the true meaning of the word. anyway, i'd love to see me getting unbanned, since its one of the rare servers that actually gets some good teamwork experiences done. But if you really want to leave me banned for an entire week you just as well keep it up forever.




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If you don't know what a word means I would suggest you don't use it. 

To be honest I couldn't care less what you think is an appropriate course of action for use of offensive language. Whether or not you think that sort of behaviour does or does not warrant a ban is beside the point. You can take it from someone who's first language is English that that is not tolerated. In any case your ban has been lifted and I would suggest you stick to words that you know and think before you type.

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