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Hi Guys, I'm MrPhish1 (I made the steam account when I was young, sorry :-/ ) but I prefer to be called Brodie. I come from Scotland as my name suggests and I've been in the Army Cadets for just over 4 years. So I should (in theory) have some tactical know-how. 


I have a very peculiar ability to draw fire first but die last which can sometimes lead to very funny incidents. 


I was Introduced to Ahoyworld a week ago by a friend in my contingent while on exercise and so here I am. I've had Arma 3 for a while so am familiar with the controls and have a love of everything with armour, tracks and a big gun but am just as happy as a footslogger as well. 


He is teaching me the basics of ACRE right now and I still need to download Teamspeak so should be good to go by midweek :-) 



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