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In-game name when banned: BlackPeopleLikeKFC

Why do you think you were banned? Racist Name

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Earlier on in the day i had friends over, being the nice person i am let them on my pc and arma, they messed around with all my settings Sound Name Etc, i came on about 20 mins ago to play with my friend and didn't even realize my name had been changed logged on and had been given a ban for obvious reasons, i did not intend on having the name it was just a complete honest mistake. Im sorry if i caused any harm to any of the online players at the time but it was just an honest mistake.

Which administrator banned you (if known): Chuck

When were you banned: 22:20 Aprox 01/06/16

Player ID: 76561198068646354

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After hearing you came on TS and spoke to the admin that ban you and sincerly apologized for it, I will be lifting this ban.


Yet, the ban will be kept for a short duration due to the rules:


7.8     My brother/cousin/dog/ goldfish did it is not a valid excuse it’s your responsibility to keep control of your accounts.


Ban will be lifted on Sunday, June 5th around 12.00 CEST / 11.00 BST.


Ban appeal SUCCESSFUL.



Community Referee

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