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Group management


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Heya, as many of you allready noticed (including moderators and admins) the group management system on the eu1/2 is bugged.


No way to just press the default key and do ur thing or respond to a an invite. I am sure this item has made topic before and tough i am not a public server player anymore it bugged me when i joined the pubs.


Can someone give me ( and every (new/player)) an explanation for this?


I've been getting similar questions about this from people who want to take arma to the next level but are getting insecure because of such minor bugs like this....


Ryko or Chris? Don't know what your guys inputs are?


Grts Lexxx

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It is a buggy mess....

If you need to accept an invite - the best solution is just to press&hold - U -
If you struggle to scroll through the list up/down - simply select a players name further to the screen edge and scroll again, this will stop it resetting.

If you wish to Promote someone else to the Lead of a group - slap yourself in the face with a rotting kipper - it willl have the same effect.

You're better off having the new leader start a seperate group and disbanding the current one.

Sometimes everything works out perfectly, sometimes nothing works out as planned.

Hope this helps a little.

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If you need to accept an invite - the best solution is just to press&hold - U -


If you struggle to scroll through the list up/down - simply select a players name further to the screen edge and scroll again, this will stop it resetting.

Just use the arrow keys, it doesn't reset then.

I have been told its buggy using GM while in vehicles, if this is still the case then just exit the vehicle, do what you need to do and re enter.

I've not had the luxury to promote anyone yet so I cant comment on that. :)

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