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James Adams

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Ingame Name*: sergtheboss112, Its now james adams but used to be sergtheboss112

Why do you think you were banned?: general doucheyness

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: I was breaking rules by being douchie to other people and I apologize for doings so, it will not happen again,

Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: BCAONMOP

When were you banned?*: Im not quite sure but definitely 5-6 months age something like that, not quite sure.


James Adams


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After review everything, both what you said and what we have in our logs. I`ve come to this conclusion:

  1. You weren`t banned 5-6 months ago, it was more like 18 months ago (a year and a half) - exact date 12/3/2014 (December 3rd 2014).
  2. I doubt the reason you wish to play here again are honest and true. I conclude from you waiting the upper amount of time to make an appeal. Plus, your explanation is very vague.
  3. It wasn`t a one-time-only incident. You were kicked once for trolling as a pilot. Then decide to come back and go on a teamkilling spree. Other players have also told us that you`ve done that before.


Your behaviour back then has not been and will never be tolerated on our servers. The AhoyWorld train has already drove off for you.


Ban appeal DENIED.



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