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EU3 Training Nights Question

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When is there gonna be another Training Night? We just had alot of new players join since last one and they deserve to learn the advanced stuff we went through. 


If that doesn't do it, how do you request one? There are some areas I would love to teach that is both Medical, CQB, CAS/Transport and Advanced Field Leading

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This was picked up on in the meeting.

But anyone can request to do a gamenight/training night, discuss it with the admins, (2 weeks in advance).


But i do agree some people need training in the basics I.E rule of NEVER take 2 morphine's. (But people can live and learn while playing unless it is Really need, IE Advance stuff)

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This was picked up on in the meeting.

But anyone can request to do a gamenight/training night, discuss it with the admins, (2 weeks in advance).


But i do agree some people need training in the basics I.E rule of NEVER take 2 morphine's. (But people can live and learn while playing unless it is Really need, IE Advance stuff)

I wasn't there for the meeting, but I played with some of the new and old EU3 players and they just got rekt in a small area, the pilot landed multiple times without gear and got shot down for not using the radar or listening to the radio.

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If you was talking about last night, the objective went extremely well under the leadership of copey, A1 - young and A2 (Cant remember but its a new guy to me).

Only time it went bad was when Young's team all died to a tank while in a building with him crying in the corner being the only survivor.


So for the people who played last night Good game guys \o/

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I wasn't there for the meeting, but I played with some of the new and old EU3 players and they just got rekt in a small area, the pilot landed multiple times without gear and got shot down for not using the radar or listening to the radio.

The Whole meeting was recorded by myself, and is on the original post regarding said meeting. so you are free to listen to it.

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I wasn't there for the meeting, but I played with some of the new and old EU3 players and they just got rekt in a small area, the pilot landed multiple times without gear and got shot down for not using the radar or listening to the radio.


I jope you gave the appropriate feedback. 

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When is there gonna be another Training Night? We just had alot of new players join since last one and they deserve to learn the advanced stuff we went through. 


If that doesn't do it, how do you request one? There are some areas I would love to teach that is both Medical, CQB, CAS/Transport and Advanced Field Leading


All of those have been previously done in training nights, except CAS/Transport. And that, from what I've heard of the most experienced pilots is something you'll only really learn by doing it yourself. I.E. landing without your gear on - it's a mistake. I'm sure they know they have to put their gear down, they probably just forgot because they're not used to playing as a pilot.


Now, do we need more training nights with those same topics? Perhaps. Admittedly, I haven't played EU3 in about a month, maybe longer, but most players I see on the server have been here long enough to have attended at least one training night. The problem is it's always the same people attending them, plus maybe a handful of people who actually want/need to learn. Those that really, really need it don't show up.

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