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teamspeak issue :(

Guest Bartlett

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Guest Bartlett

So I'm mid mission on eu3 then BAM!!!!! Teamspeak go's and literally fucks itself, I tried time and time again as my guy is right in the center of straits airfield but noooo! !! Teamspeak isn't having any of that, needs a frickin tampon or something having a temperamental moment, so...... I'm clueless, it's happened once before and there's something to do with deleting something from a file can anyone help????

P.S. to anyone that required medic and didn't get it sorry....

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Can't do much without more info inside your ts client there is an option to open a log (can't remember what it is exactly called) but screenshots of any errors will help massively.

Would help more if I could but my PC is dead right now so I'm posting this with my phone.

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Guest Bartlett

I'm having the same issue again. The last time I did this I managed to speak to someone through steam but can't remember who it was they explained how to delete something. I think it was the cache???? But can't be sure :s

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Yeah there is a cache in security that you can clear I can't see how that would solve problems unless you are running out of space or something.

Also I have just ordered new PC parts so I should be back to trash talking Duffy on ts soon.

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