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Arsenal Bug?


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Hi, I've been playing a while in EU#1 and everytime I want to load something from the arsenal, I have to load a weapon or something like that from the VAS.
And if I won't do that, all my arsenal saves would be gray.
Any solutions?

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A grey arsenal slot means that something in that class is not available it might be that something in the vas is not on the arsenal try making a class from the ground up on the arsenal and the weapon config error is beyond me I don't understand that stuff.

After a quick but of research the weapon.cfg is a common error it is just a result of using scripts and it seems to have no effect on client stability lots of people tend to get it.

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(it normal to get the "weapons.cfg" is missing error every time i open VAS ?)


there 7 versions of the same gun del 5 and you get this message i also get it....no one need 7 same versions only with a other camo.


(I want to load something from the arsenal, I have to load a weapon or something like that from the VAS.
And if I won't do that, all my arsenal saves would be gray.)


if i remember me correctly you have to take first a loadout from the vas and then you can use your loadout from the arsenal (skript bug) 

so if you in the arsenal take your gear go to the vas save it,

if you join the next time load the vas loadout and then the arsenal will be work ..try it out

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