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Eu3 is horrendous


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So, scarface, you're very unhelpful.

Explain to the class why it is so unpleasant,

And maybe your answer might just improve the EU3 server.


Granted I haven't played on the server a lot and when i did yesterday the map was worst design due to the fact the AI saw and shot me through rocks,


But just saying "If i don't say so my self it's very unpleasant, Yessssss....................... indeed!!!!!!!!."  Its just posting cr*p for the reason to post Cr*p. 

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It's unpleasant because of certain types of people who dick around and the ones that don't follow the rules, This would be solved by appointing More Eu3 Moderator's who are very active on the sever e.g. Planting and Duffy-who enforce the when he was previously a mod.


Overall Gauntlet it's self is always in development with Ryko working hard on in his spare time implementing unnecessary arsenal limited just because people DON'T read the rules and take weapons they are not allowed. Which has only increased time spent in base playing dress up because there load-outs aren't loading Other than that he has done very well to optimize the mission so gj to him.


And Bloo is right it's just crap reason to shit stir for mentioning much of an Ebola has become then getting kicked because thats the type of dictatorship AhoyWorld has become #We can't have are own opinions.

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Just want to point out that in the end AhoyWorld has never been a democracy, it has been said over and over again. I think everyone is allowed to have their opinions but that doesn't mean people need to listen to them. 

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I realized that we the player are the only once that can change by reporting the teamkillers, Trolling, Ignoring player role's and verbal abuse e.g.e.g. by reporting the offenders by using this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Wv2JD_7ODgQasKNwW5DSkeq5rt4Q0B-LsLjF6kJR3mc/viewform?c=0&w=1 Even if you had reported them to a member of staff.

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